I use mosaic function is VLC. Upgrade vlc 2.1.5 to 2.2.1, and mosaic halted. See the background only in mosaic out picture, or any noise.
Try vlc 2.2.2 beta, and 3.0.0 beta, nightly builds, but also wrong.
Please correct it.
I use Windows 7 Professional.
VLM sample script:
new channel1 broadcast enabled
setup channel1 input blue.mp4
setup channel1 output #mosaic-bridge{id=1}
new channel2 broadcast enabled
setup channel2 input blue.mp4
setup channel2 output #mosaic-bridge{id=2}
new background broadcast enabled
setup background input "file:///background_1920x1080.png"
setup background option image-fps=10
setup background output #transcode{sfilter=mosaic{width=1920,height=1080,cols=2,rows=2,position=1,order="1,2",keep-aspect-ratio=enabled},vcodec=mp4v,vb=2500,fps=10}:duplicate{dst=display}
setup background option image-duration=-1
control channel1 play
control channel2 play
control background play
start batch:
vlc --vlm-conf=vlm26_mosaic_local.conf
Thank you.