I already know that you have multiply the time in seconds with 1000000 (why?)
for seeking with lua in vlc-3.0. But that does not work on the commandline:
vlc dvd://<path>#<title> --start-time=50000000 does not seek 50 seconds into
the title. Neither does --start-time 50 or :start-time=50 or changing the order
of the commands. Is this a bug, or is the commandline deprecated? The help
option and the docs are useless, as usual.
And if the commandline is indeed deprecated, are you going to disable the
#<title> option too? Because that would make it impossible to skip the nag
screens on some DVDs and seek to a resume point.
The DVDs I use for testing are not to blame; seeking works perfectly and
accurately both on the commandline and with lua in vlc-2.2.2.