Super-easy question: How to access a file on home network?

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Super-easy question: How to access a file on home network?

Postby Xevin » 08 Nov 2005 17:12

How exactly would I access a file on my home network. This has got to be the easiest question of all time, however I've searched for over 2 hours for this to no avail. How can I not figure this out when it seems it is so easy?

I've tried the following:
http://darklyte/e/movie dump/season 4/23.avi dump/season 4/23.avi dump/season 4/23.avi
and many more things that I forget now.


Postby SGtheArtist » 08 Nov 2005 17:19

Wouldn't you share the folder on the server and then from the client navigate to the file through network neighborhood (sp?) using VideoLAN?

If you are talking about streaming the I believe it is different & I dont know how streaming works.


Postby Xevin » 08 Nov 2005 17:43

Exactly, but umm hehe (I'm trying to do this through a Pocket PC). They don't have network neighborhood. I was asking how i would type in the location of the file to get around this.


Postby Xevin » 08 Nov 2005 22:16

Umm.... anyone out there? This should be something you could tell me without thinking about it!


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 29
Joined: 24 Oct 2005 09:55

Postby DOOM » 08 Nov 2005 22:32

if you really want to access the files via http you have to run an webserver like apache for example


Postby Xevin » 09 Nov 2005 00:07

Hmm. kk, but what about through a network? Like //darklyte/e/movie dump/season 4/23.avi?

Please, someone has got to have manually connected to a file through a network.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 29
Joined: 24 Oct 2005 09:55

Postby DOOM » 09 Nov 2005 00:13

did you tried it like this?

"//darklyte/e/movie dump/season 4/23.avi"

cant test it here but i will check it at work tomorrow


Postby Guest » 09 Nov 2005 00:37

If you are on the same network (when you are at home), and the computer you want to access is at IP address You can access the E: drive like this:


So, if you have a 23.avi on your E drive in the \movie dump\season 4\ directory, then you can access it like

\\\E$\movie dump\season 4\23.avi

Since you have spaces in the path/name, then to access it in DOS, you would need to do:

"\\\E$\movie dump\season 4\23.avi"

If you want to use computer name, then you need to set up some kind of local DNS/name resolution.


Postby Xevin » 09 Nov 2005 03:52

There is no worky. I'm gonna test it on an actual computer to make sure though. Maybe the PPC version is different...


Postby Xevin » 09 Nov 2005 05:37

Ok got it workin... sorta. It seems that my Dell Axim X50v doesn't get enough bandwidth on its 802.11b wireless to stream video. It can however stream audio just fine. Also I test the PPC to make sure it wasn't just the sheer size and bitrate that stopped it from playing by testing on another actual PC thats hooked up to the wireless as well. The other PC ran the video just fine.

The syntax I got it workin with:

Notice the reversed slashes and the fact that there are no spaces. The PPC version of VLC doesn't like spaces whatsoever.

Extreme thanks for the help guys. I hope that future board surfers will see this post and realize how to stream over a network without browsing to the file.


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