Movie folders

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
New Cone
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Movie folders

Postby Spanaway01 » 10 May 2015 02:18

I have several movies on my S4 running Lollipop. My problem is that VLC does not recognize the folders, but just produces a list of all the files. That is OK for those in avi, mp4, or mkv format, but doesn't work for those is dvd vob format. With the later, there is just a list of all the vob files with no way to know which movie is which.

My PC running Win 8.1 has no issues with individual folders.

Help appreciated

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 Jul 2009 07:05

Re: Movie folders

Postby Spanaway01 » 10 May 2015 05:55

Well, not one to give up, I found the solution to my problem. I had the Video-TS as a sub-folder. Once the vob files were moved to the named movie folder VLC did its thing and recognized all the movies.

Hope this is of help to someone else.

Happy viewing!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Movie folders

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 May 2015 22:03

VIDEO_TS is the standard for DVDs.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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