Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

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Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Pacificisle » 05 May 2015 05:56

Hello everyone,

I am completely new to vlc libraries and development but have a project assigned to me by my company that fits really well with what VLC has to offer.

Basically I want to build and HEVC Set-top-box that receives an HEVC encoded Transport stream, uses the 3.0 VLC which includes the x.265 live decoding and output that through the HDMI interface to a TV set.

The 'box' I have in mind is something like this: ... ds=mini+pc
It has everything I need I believe, Ethernet port for my input (TS over IP) enough processing power for 1080p streams and an output HDMI interface.

My questions is how can I go about doing this?

The simple way would be to just use VLC on the on-board windows 8 platform and decode the stream locally while displaying everything on this to the TV via HDMI. But this is a very unprofessional way to do it, and its not what is required by my company.

I would need something much more professional where the input and output is already configured on start-up of the box and all the end-user would need to do is plug and play the IP Input and HDMI output to a TV and have a stream on the television set being decode by the box using the VLC library.

So I'm guessing the best way to do it would be with Linux, somehow embedding the VLC decoder on it while having everything per-configured every time the unit is turned on.

Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated, I literally have no idea where to even start (haven't worked much with Linux either) so I'm very green at the moment ;)

Thanks in advance!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 05 May 2015 11:48

Well, you realize that this box cannot do HEVC hardware decoding, right?
VLC 2.2.x can also do HEVC decoding, not only 3.0.0.

You can script both VLC on Windows and on Linux, and you can use libVLC to do a custom application, even on Windows.
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Re: Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Pacificisle » 05 May 2015 23:04

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

Why can't this box do HEVC hardware decoding? Where is the limitation? Can you recommend one that will (I prefer a small form factor)?

Thanks for the answer, could you or anyone recommend some tutorials on building custom applications. Or just point me in the general director.


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Re: Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 May 2015 10:19

Because this ATOM processor does not have a HEVC hardware decoder. Only recent Intel chip have it, or nVidia GPUs.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Pacificisle » 06 May 2015 20:11

Ok understood, I have an intel Mini-PC (NUC i think its called) which I can use as a prototype for now before building, the actual box.

As far as integrating the libVLC onto my own platform and make a custom application... any info or anywhere you can point me to as a starting point?


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 06 May 2015 22:48

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Use VLC Library to make an HEVC Decoder Set-top-box

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 May 2015 00:46

Ok understood, I have an intel Mini-PC (NUC i think its called) which I can use as a prototype for now before building, the actual box.

As far as integrating the libVLC onto my own platform and make a custom application... any info or anywhere you can point me to as a starting point?

On Windows? Take the 7zip release of VLC and start coding.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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