Postby mgruben » 14 Apr 2015 02:47
Whoops, was waiting on a reply-notification email that never came (because I wasn't subscribed).
Uploaded, but not sure how to link to the file 2-04 Hallelujah.mp3. Was I supposed to specify a Trac Ticket?
Anyhoo, that file (happy to re-upload) at around 2:18 and on.
Playback on VLC 2.2.0 Weathermax for (Arch) Linux is great. Playback on VLC 2.5.1 (1) for iOS has noticeable popping.
Ninja edit: Just realized my original post mentioned oggs, and that my reply references an mp3. I also have an ogg example which I just uploaded to the site you linked (again, no Trac Ticket, so not sure how to link it for you, but named 07.Brandenburg_Concerto_No.2_in_F,_BWV_1047_-_III._Allegro_assai.ogg.)
Ingratiating ninja edit: Also, just donated $5 to VideoLAN, because regardless of the issues in this thread, VLC has been a consistently excellent program which has greatly increased the usefulness of both iOS and Linux for me.