Not transferring albums, only individual files

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
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Not transferring albums, only individual files

Postby Gewitty » 29 Apr 2015 12:04

I tried using VLC to transfer music albums from my Linux PC to an iPad today. To do this, I used the 'Sharing via WiFi' option and entered the IP address of the iPad in a browser on the PC which brought up the transfer page OK.

I selected an album from my music files and it transferred to the iPad with no problem. I repeated this with eight more albums and then something strange happened. When I tried to upload the next album, all the files appeared individually on the iPad, not as an album. This has happened with every attempt since.

So two questions: Why has VLC stopped transferring complete albums; and is there a better way to transfer music, other than via the Sharing via WiFi option?

Posts: 7295
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Re: Not transferring albums, only individual files

Postby fkuehne » 29 Apr 2015 12:14

If your media include metadata tags, VLC should actually group your albums automagically.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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