1. Poster - it is VERY annoying to read a subject that says" Please add new feature" or "Feature Request" etc with NO DESCRIPTION IN THE TITLE. Next time put something in the title - PLEASE. Have you never looked at the forums before and been confused when seeing vague subject titles but quite curious when you see something you have also wondered? Wonder more specifically like "VLC 3.0 - Add Chromecast Streaming?".
2. You're not the first and so people get lost between multiple repeats of the same question. See this:
https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=121970 titled "VLC to ChromeCast" which has some great info in it.
2. If you can't figure out how to cast to a Chromecast player, maybe you should not be doing it because you are only set for becoming very upset. Chrome already has plugins that allow casting of MP$ and a few other files, but it lacks all of the awesomeness of VLC. The double edged sword is that with great power, VLC also has so many settings it can easily be overwhelming. Don't get caught in the details. Another issue is "listing TVs". There are many manufacturers out there with their own standards, their own interfaces, and their own proprietary software so using a simply device like a Chromecast or a media player / Raspberry Pi should really be limited in options to
1. Stream to the device (Target)
2. Buffer Size
3. Resolution
4. Disable / Enable local device (Do you want it to play on your laptop screen at the same time as your TV)
5. Play / Pause / Full Screen. Next in PLaylist menu like you're used to.
More complicated than that and you lose people. Less complicated and you get playback streaming that turns into playback sputtering due to resolution too high or buffers too low for the given network throughput.
Just my opinion which doesn't even pay for coffee.
San Antonio, Texas (Remember the Alamo!)