I have 1 source file 1920x1080 where I have to only show different parts of the video (eg 200x200) in small windows on the same screen.
controlled from cmdline.
What I do right now are to multicast the file
vlc E:\media\test.mpg --loop --sout=udp://
Then I can run 3 x multicast reciever
VLC.exe udp://@ --width=270 --height=540 --video-x=570 --video-y=270 --no-autoscale --no-embedded-video --no-video-deco --loop --video-on-top --video-filter=croppadd --croppadd-croptop=100 --croppadd-cropleft=300
VLC.exe udp://@ --width=270 --height=540 --video-x=840 --video-y=270 --no-autoscale --no-embedded-video --no-video-deco --loop --video-on-top --video-filter=croppadd --croppadd-croptop=200
VLC.exe udp://@ --width=270 --height=540 --video-x=1110 --video-y=270 --no-autoscale --no-embedded-video --no-video-deco --loop --video-on-top --video-filter=croppadd --croppadd-croptop=300
And by the location --video-x=570 --video-y=270 set where on the screen I do want the window and in the crop I can define what part of the source to show
It does work.... but I need 20 windows and this use a lot of CPU (to much) to decode all the streams
So there must be a way to duplicate the file 20 times on the same screen?
Please advise
Thank you