I have already build the vlc-android source code is ok
now, i should to modify the code of third-party lib(vlc-android/vlc/contrib/contrib-android-arm-linux-androideabi/live555), then how can i build it to libvlcjni.so succeefully?
next is my flow:
1. modify the live555/liveMedia code
2. cd vlc-android/vlc/contrib/contrib-android-arm-linux-androideabi/live555/liveMedia
3. make clean
4. make all
5. then find it build out liveMedia.a
6. copy liveMedia.a to vlc-android/vlc/contrib/arm-linux-androideabi/lib
7. cd ~/vlc-android
8. sh compile.sh
but build is wrong, from the log it shows that the function in liveMedia.a is not found....
so it may be liveMedia.a not config ok to vlc build sysytem
if someone can tell me how to do this task?
thanks very much