Compiling with new GUID

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Francois Panouillot
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Compiling with new GUID

Postby Francois Panouillot » 21 Jan 2015 13:02

We are using VLC (0.8.6) in our software and, for several reason, we want to keep this version.
As we cannot ensure that the user will not upgrade the VLC version (that we have installed with our software). We are thinking to create a new version of VLC based on version 0.8.6 with different GUID (IID_IVLCControl, ...) and install this new version. We will have, in our source code, to use the new GUIDs instead of the old one, and in this way, I suppose that the user can install another version of VLC without changing our version.
Do you think that "just" changing the GUID is enough ?
The other question will be about the license, for the moment we are providing the source code and the VLC license with our software. If we change the source code, do we need do do more things ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Compiling with new GUID

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 Jan 2015 16:01

This is hard to maintain. You need to change many GUIDs for the ActiveX.

And yes, you need to give the source code.

The best would be to upgrade, to be honest.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Francois Panouillot
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Re: Compiling with new GUID

Postby Francois Panouillot » 21 Jan 2015 17:22

thanks for your quick reply

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