Not sure what to do

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Not sure what to do

Postby Faker » 18 Dec 2014 13:43

Long story short I need to convert some video files from mp4 to DivX compatible player format (avi in this case). I've had VLC 2.1.5 since it was updated and 90% of the time when I try to convert as previously mentioned I get that classic "VLC media player 2.1.5 has stopped working" error. So I kind of stopped with the whole converting thing, anyways skip forward a bit and I notice that VLC 2.2.0 is out. I download it to give it a try, it converts mp4 to DivX compatible (avi) straight away everytime without failure. However when I go to play the files on the tv in this case the quality is extremely bad, like unwatchable (fuzzy etc). Now this isn't because of the input files it's to do with VLC 2.2.0.

So tl;dr I need to know how I can get the proficiency of VLC 2.2.0 but the quality from 2.1.5 when it comes to converting mp4 to DivX compatible file (avi).

Thanks in advance!

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