hello mederi. you can report this anomaly? in @
I do not know how to do, my English is bad
I am using canvas feature in VLC 2.1.5 for win32. My system Win7 -32bit.
vlc -vvv c:\film\01\01.mp4 --video-filter Canvas video filter --canvas-width=720 --canvas-height=576 --canvas-aspect=16:9 --canvas-padd
01.mp4 is 480x360, canvas transforms video abnormally.
01.mp4 is 1920x1080, canvas transforms video abnormally.
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I tried vlc-2.2.0-rc2-20141206-1232
vlc -vvv c:\film\01\01.mp4 --video-filter Canvas video filter --canvas-width=720 --canvas-height=576 --canvas-aspect=16:9 --canvas-padd
01.mp4 is 480x360, video canvas function enlarge 720x576 ok!
size = 480x360 diplay VLC, strange behavior. must be like the video, 720x576.
Because if I apply a logo, I can move it in 480x360 and not 720x576.
01.mp4 is 1920x1080, Canvas function reduces size 720x576 and cut part of the video.
if I apply logo, I can move inside VLC display in 1920x1080 and not only in 720x576.
The function canvas must resize the video display and VLC to the desired size?
So I can play playlists with videos of different size to the same size,
and apply logos remain the same size in all videos.