i am trying to watch a subtitled anime in VLC (latest version updated yesterday)
occasionally there is japanese text that is translated via subtitles at the same time as someone is talking
when this happens one or the other will not display when it should for example if there is a text translation subtitle displayed and someone starts talking the subtitle for the talking will not display and it appears it will only display another subtitle when there are no subtitles on screen (leading to large gaps in me getting anything to do with speech when there is a lot of text in need of translating because the text translations keep happening just before a new speech subtitle is due to be displayed)
i have had a similar issue in the past and i fixed it by playing the file in windows media player but for some reason windows media player is not wanting to play these .mkv files even after i installed CCCP (usually installing CCCP means everything i throw at it works but for some reason it isn't having any of it) (and media player classic has the exact same issues as VLC)