VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposals!

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposals!

Postby VLCnoob12 » 18 Oct 2014 13:42

Hi do you know the nPlayer(iOS), Infuse(iOS)
and MX Player (Android) look here the horny heap functions !!!
Here are some examples what the other three players better:
- 10bit support hardware and software (up to 1080p)
- Select hardware and software decoder
- Force subtitles (only for MX Player)
- Many subtitles support
- Equalizer
- Lock Screen
- Create a folder with Lock
- Change View
- Topics
- Gestures
- Backup settings with export and import
- Mini Player
- And so on.......

You have to have a look once it !!!
Last edited by VLCnoob12 on 18 Oct 2014 18:58, edited 1 time in total.

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VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :(

Postby fkuehne » 18 Oct 2014 17:38

Let me go through that list:
1) 10bit is fully supported since 2.0
1.1) there is no 10bit hw support on iOS because simply because the hardware decoder doesn't support it. This is different on Android and indeed, VLC for Android supports it. Regarding general HW support on iOS, we decided against implementing the hack Infuse did and will implement it in a different, cleaner and more reliable way in a future version of VLC for iOS (code is already there).
2) such a control element is available in VLC for Android. Since there is no hw decoding on iOS in currently released versions, there is no such switch.
3) I have no idea what you mean by "Force Subtitles"
4) We support any subtitles supported by the desktop version both on Android and iOS. Version 2.3 for iOS includes a bug though, which prevents the display of DVB subtitles. This is fixed for 2.4. Do you see further issues? If yes, what's the ticket number on trac along with a sample file?
5) Available on Android. There is a ticket 9032.
6) Please use the control provided by the OS.
7) Patch welcome. We figured locking the app is enough, but indeed this feature is requested from time to time.
8) Huh, what do you mean by that?
9) Idem.
10) Fully supported on iOS, maybe limited on Android - add a ticket if you miss one on Android.
11) why??
12) Indeed on the list for iOS. Already present on Android.

The reason for those limitations is simple. All the competing apps are developed by companies with developers potentially working on it full-time, why VLC for Android and iOS is developed by volunteers in their spare time on a best-effort basis. So far, ~10 people contributed to VLC for iOS, while 75% of the code was written by one person - me. Help is welcome, if you want the app to develop faster.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

Blank Cone
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby VLCnoob12 » 18 Oct 2014 18:36

1.1) Really with 10bit not support by iOS Hardware and what is with new CPU from iPhone 6/6 Plus and iPad Air 2?? Show nPlayer(iOS) can it only not perfect!!
1.1) nPlayer(iOS) can manually select hardware and software decoder
3) I mean this features from MX Player(by Android). ''Ignore font specified in SSA subtitles'' and ''Ignore broken fonts specified in SSA subtitles (experimental)''
6) Screen lock is good for video look
8) List view, grid view and more!!
9) Themes(e.g green, black, blue)
10) more gestures
11) Backup the settings(Export/Import settings and activity records to/from a file) My tip iTunes File Sharing 8)

And yet what:
- Interface for video look without pausing(screen settings,touch-control, navigation settings, audio track and more)
- Preferred audio/subtile language
- Language
- Volume boost
- Character encoding auto detect
- Subtile gestures and appearance
- Properties for more info the video/music file
- Video/Music open in other apps
- Video zoom(Pinch to Zoom)
- DVDs/Blurays ISO support

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby VLCnoob12 » 01 Nov 2014 19:55

Felix please replay again!!!

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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby dfuhrmann » 01 Nov 2014 21:19

Why do you want "all features from one other player"? You really need to be more precise about features if you think they are valuable.

We can only do features if we find time for that, but for a start, you need to explain in detail what is missing, and what you want to get improved.
Lets take "more gestures" as an example: We already have a lot of sensible gestures in the app. Please explain in detail what you are missing, and maybe ideas how to integrate additional gestures.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby VLCnoob12 » 01 Nov 2014 22:07

Why do you want "all features from one other player"? You really need to be more precise about features if you think they are valuable.

We can only do features if we find time for that, but for a start, you need to explain in detail what is missing, and what you want to get improved.
Lets take "more gestures" as an example: We already have a lot of sensible gestures in the app. Please explain in detail what you are missing, and maybe ideas how to integrate additional gestures.
All features from other player are really useful!! You must it testing. What is your favorite player say please :)
More gestures e.g one finger gestures and two finger gestures.
What do they know please PM me!!

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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby dfuhrmann » 02 Nov 2014 10:23

More gestures e.g one finger gestures and two finger gestures.
You still did not say what is actually missing. VLC already has one and two finger gestures. If you do not get more precise, we cannot help you. Sorry.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby VLCnoob12 » 07 Nov 2014 14:02

Kann einer mein kompletten Beitrag löschen habe so Gefühl das keiner mich erst nimmt. Gebe mir so viel Mühe wegen den Vorschlägen und dann sowas :( Noch was wieso kann man keine alten Beiträge, Posting bearbeiten und dann als Hinweis als bearbeitet hinzufügen wie die anderen Forum mein Beitrag ist nicht mal Monat alt.
Admin löscht den ganzen Mist Danke für meine sinnlose Bemühungen!!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :(

Postby VLCnoob12 » 10 Nov 2014 12:52

Last edited by VLCnoob12 on 10 Nov 2014 15:37, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1183
Joined: 02 Jul 2012 11:09

Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby dfuhrmann » 10 Nov 2014 14:08

1.1) Really with 10bit not support by iOS Hardware and what is with new CPU from iPhone 6/6 Plus and iPad Air 2?? Show nPlayer(iOS) can it only not perfect!!
Do you have a sample file which does not play with VLC for iOS?
1.1) nPlayer(iOS) can manually select hardware and software decoder
Why do you need that? Anyway, VLC does not support hardware decoders yet, so this request does not make sense.
3) I mean this features from MX Player(by Android). ''Ignore font specified in SSA subtitles'' and ''Ignore broken fonts specified in SSA subtitles (experimental)''
Why do you need this? Do you have a sample file which is not working for you?
6) Screen lock is good for video look
We already have locking. What is missing for you here?
8) List view, grid view and more!!
What do you need more, and what is the purpose? I think the current grid view makes most sense, because it already shows all information, and is big enough to be used on touch interfaces.
9) Themes(e.g green, black, blue)
This may be nice, but I fear its far too much work currently.
10) more gestures
I already talked with you about that. We already have more than enough gestures in my opinion.
11) Backup the settings(Export/Import settings and activity records to/from a file) My tip iTunes File Sharing 8)
Why? iTunes already has very good backup capabilities.
- Interface for video look without pausing(screen settings,touch-control, navigation settings, audio track and more)
I do not understand what you want.
- Preferred audio/subtile language
- Properties for more info the video/music file
Might make sense indeed.
- Language
I do not understand. UI language selection is not supposed to happen inside apps. You should change your system language.
- Character encoding auto detect
Which subtitles are not working. Please provide us with a sample
- Video/Music open in other apps
Complain to Apple for iOS restrictions. :-)
Passing video urls from other apps to VLC for iOS will be already supported in a new version.
- DVDs/Blurays ISO support
DVD support: We are already working on that as far as I know. Blur ray support is still beta in desktop releases, and will probably not be ported to iOS soon.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby VLCnoob12 » 10 Nov 2014 15:30

Do you have a sample file which does not play with VLC for iOS?
Ja ich habe hier Testdateien mit Auflösung von 1080p auf dem iPhone 6 Plus viele Frame Verluste und sehr ruckelig.
Why do you need that? Anyway, VLC does not support hardware decoders yet, so this request does not make sense.
Also bitte die nächste VLC for iOS sollte schon das beherschen. Dieses manuelles Auswahl ist sehr sinnvoll wenn z.b Videos die bei Software Dekodierer viel Akku verschwenden dann wechselt man einfach nach Hardware Dekodierer.
Why do you need this? Do you have a sample file which is not working for you?
Diese Funktion ist gut wenn SSA Untertiteln nicht ganz perfekt gehen. Bei mir wäre es sinnvoll damit ignoriert man die fehlerhafte Schrift.
We already have locking. What is missing for you here?
Ich meine damit so Button beim Video schauen hinzufügen der auch nartürlich per Einstellungen abschalten kann wer den nicht braucht. Und wenn man den Button gedrückt hält kann man 2 Möglichkeiten auswählen Sperre beim Tippen,Rotation oder beides.
What do you need more, and what is the purpose? I think the current grid view makes most sense, because it already shows all information, and is big enough to be used on touch interfaces.
Habe keine Ahnung wie du es so toll finden kannst. Aber die Ansichten jetzt sind total komisch, weil wer will den so riese lange Ansicht mit Bildvorschau. Also wenn, dann auch mehr Ansichten hinzufügen, weil es gib auch welche die wollen kleine oder keine Bildvorschau aber dafür mehr Infos dar wäre jetzt List view praktisch.
Am besten nur für große Geräten wie alle iPads und ab iPhone 6.
This may be nice, but I fear its far too much work currently.
Mehr Themes ist doch was schönes von mir aus nur Dark Mode ;)
I already talked with you about that. We already have more than enough gestures in my opinion.
Wenn du jetzt die VLC iOS app benutzt fällt dir nicht was auf beim Video anschauen?? Und zwar Gesten ganz genau ein paar sind schon dabei wie Helligkeit,Lautstärke usw. Aber es gib keine Einstellungen womit man die Gesten Funktionen ändern könnte. Kleines Beispeil nach rechts wischen 10sek nach links 30sek so jetzt kommt das Problem ich will aber keine 10sek bei rechts sondern 5sek oder wie auch immer. Denkst du jeder will die Helligkeit,Lautstärke in diese Reihenfolge?? Am besten in den Einstellungen so Menü womit man die Gesten Funktionen ändern kann. Wie wärs auch die Stop Button verbessern z.b beim gedrückt halten schaltet man Hintergrundwiedergabe an sind nur Beispiele denkt dir was aus.
Why? iTunes already has very good backup capabilities.
Stell dir mal vor ich besitze anderes Gerät und will meine activity records wiederherstellen wie geht das am besten ohne komplett iTunes Backup vom anderen Gerät zu nehmen. Nartürlich mit iTunes Dateifreigabe siehe ein kleines Beispiel an der App iPin. Ich sage dir wie die App iPin es macht ist aber Passwortmanger app will dir aber die Funktionen nennen. Und zwar kann man einfach in den Einstellungen backup machen wenn man jetzt bei iTunes anschlliesst sieht man in der iTunes Dateifreigabe die Backup Datei damit könnte man beliebig bei freunden,andere Geräten usw. weitergeben und das alles sehr mobil. Wenn man die iPin app öffnet nimmt man die Backup datei und hat dann seine ganzen Logins wieder Fertig.
I do not understand what you want.
Jeder findet es doch nervig beim Video schauen kaum was zu verändern ausser Audio,Untertitel und die mickrigen Gesten funktionen. Es wäre besser ohne das Interface zu müllen so kleiner Button womit man vieles Live ändern kann z.B der fehlende Sleep timer,Jump to specific time,Kapitelauswahl,Hardware/software decoder, untertitel schrift, volume boost, Equalizer usw. Nicht vergessen das dabei nicht Videowiedergabe stehen bleib wäre sehr nervig und sinnlos. Ich meine Audio,Untertitel ändern geht aktuell ja ohne den Spaß beim Video gucken zu verderben.
Might make sense indeed.
Sehr gut von dir aber bitte auch so wie beim Desktop viele Video/Musik Infos wie viel bitrate,größe usw... :)
I do not understand. UI language selection is not supposed to happen inside apps. You should change your system language.
Lass das einfach ihr habt ja Übersetzung Projekt Seite einfach mehr Sprachen unterstützen.
Which subtitles are not working. Please provide us with a sample
Bei euch sieht es so aus als würde es nicht nach automatisch machen auch wenn es tut. Aber rein optisch fehlt der Text auto detect!!!
Complain to Apple for iOS restrictions. :-)
Passing video urls from other apps to VLC for iOS will be already supported in a new version.
Gut von dir finde es nervig das man die Videos/Musik nicht mit anderen Apps weitergeben kann aber mit iOS 8 sollte es klappen.
DVD support: We are already working on that as far as I know. Blur ray support is still beta in desktop releases, and will probably not be ported to iOS soon.
Dann merke einfach vor wenn die Hardware von den Apple Geräten aussreicht nach paar Jahren das man auch gleich Bluray ISO unterstützt. Aber mindenstens etwas DVD ISO :)

Sorry für schlechtes deutsch!!

Here are some more suggestions:
- Support Chapter Selection
- Integration of cloud services (iCloud Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, Google Drive etc.)
- iTunes backup on/off switch
- Beta test for community
- Basic interface edit jeder soll entscheiden was für Button er braucht beim Videoschauen es ist egal ob er sein interface zu müllt, weil bei Standardausgabe ist es ja bestimmt weniger gemüllt
- BitTorrent Sync
- For change while playing:
Sleep timer
Jump to specific time

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Joined: 02 Jul 2012 11:09

Re: VLC iOS is not good why :( User help me for more proposa

Postby dfuhrmann » 10 Nov 2014 16:04

Sorry to say that so bluntly, but would you please first check the current VLC for iOS version before you start enlarging your complain list again? You might already see some information about Dropbox and google drive if you look closely.

Anyway, your code contribution is very welcome!

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