I am having an issue with the audio_set_delay function on a vlc.MediaPlayer object. Essentially I am setting the delay and then confirming it is set properly by calling the audio_get_delay function, but for some reason the player isn't having the pts delay set properly. Example output:
Code: Select all
jeff@hoogland-clevo:/media/jeff/Storage/qAndora$ python qAndora.py
Playing song live from URL
[0x2f12148] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1000 ms)
[0x2f12148] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
You can see where I create the player object and assign the media in the function starting on line 164 here. I set the audio delay on line 186.
Am I doing something wrong/not understanding something here? I really want to use VLC as the backend for my software, but not being able to set the delay causes the tracks to skip a few times when they first start.
I am having this delay issue on both Ubuntu 14.04 with VLC 2.1.4 and on Windows 7 with the latest VLC download from the video lan home page.
Thanks for your time,
~Jeff Hoogland