I'm trying to write a script to do something that I'm able to do with the gui.
(I hope that I'm posting to the correct area, if not I apologize.)
(macbook OS X 10.9.4)
I'm able to do this by going to "Convert & Stream" - "Choose Profile = Audio MP3" -> Save as file (Open Media and open my mp4 video file before hand)
I'd like to do this with a script.
I tried:
/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC -I rc video.mp4 --no-sout-video --sout '#std{mux=raw,dst=file.mp3}'
but the created file did not show any duration in vlc...
Not really sure what I'm doing. Any help would be appreciated.
(BTW, does vlc happen to write what it does in scripting languge?)
(Also, where does vlc.msg.dbg write to? And why does "dialog" not seem to work in my lua scripts?)
Thank you!!!