Need Developer to make skin for specific application

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Need Developer to make skin for specific application

Postby Colourguru » 21 Aug 2014 05:48

Hi guys,
Let me first say that I have developer/programming skills in seriously negative territory. I'm an industrial designer and have a piece of optical hardware to be used in association with video and still frame capture. I'd like to have a complimentary (windows) skin that simplifies the interface for (other) non technical users. Hopefully it would be something that I'd be able to direct users to and they'd download the VLC and skin together- Don't know that that's possible. (I really don't know much at all.)
The other thing I'd like to know is - Is it possible to build a similar interface for OSX (I know skins don't work - but is there another way of doing it?)

So in rough terms -here is what I'd need to see in the UI.
Video - Rec/play/pause/Stop/FF/REW
Individual frame capture
Rotate (90deg increments)
Capture at Default Resolution (say 1024x640)

and desirable in the interface;
interval capture at 7.5/15/30/60/120 seconds
audio gain control for record (UV meter?)
Option to change resolution
Access to full menu
a way of naming the clip in from the interface

Apologies for being so ignorant to your skills - but I really don't know where this request falls in the continuum between 'piss-easy' and 'can't be done'. I just need to have the conversation. Hope you can help or direct me to somewhere that can. Thanks :?

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Need Developer to make skin for specific application

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Jan 2015 18:25

It's simple to do, no?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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