Plugin like Volume Logic on vlc ?

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 15 Oct 2005 17:11

Plugin like Volume Logic on vlc ?

Postby Burps » 15 Oct 2005 17:21

Hi all

I recently discovered a wonderful plugin for Winamp, called "Volume Logic" : Unfortunately, this is a commercial software, and it doesn't exist for VLC.

The problem : When I'm watching movies on my vlc 0.8.2, the music is often louder (too loud...) than the talks :
While I was listening music with winamp, some tracks were just "more loudly" recorded, so that I had to increase or decrease the volume after each song : With "Volume Logic", the sound is automatically adjusted : I have absolutly no technical backgroud, but I thougt it could work the same way...

So, I was just submitting you the idea to integrate such a feature, don"t really know how busy you are...:)


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