Can't create a VOD test stream without loop video loss

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Can't create a VOD test stream without loop video loss

Postby DanVideoLanUser » 21 May 2014 17:59

I'm trying to get a continuous VOD test stream going into a client application. Using VLC/VLM where I can load a specified file and loop back repeatably. This all works but the video loss is encountered when stream repeats at beginning of file. Using 2.1.3 on a windows 7 OS. An example vlm configuration is shown below:

vlc command file:
vlc -I telnet --telnet-password 123x456 --rtsp-host --rtsp-port 5554 --vlm-conf vlc_vod.conf

new Channel1 vod enabled
setup Channel1 input "TestFile30Minutes.mp4"
setup Channel1 option input-repeat=-1 sout-keep

I always encounter a video loss signal on the receiving end when the file repeats. So for a 30 minute file, every 30 minutes I see video loss events. I tried adding file-caching, start-time, end-time options to no avail.

Is there anyway I can get around the video loss when the test stream repeats (from beginning or specified start-time)? Or is this just a vlc limitation on looping back a vod stream?

Thank you for any help you can give.

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