Macbook Pro - OS/X 10.5.8Please provide more information of file format, VLC version, Mac model, etc
A quick thing to try is removing the preference files for VLC.
Thank you surf122!Macbook Pro - OS/X 10.5.8Please provide more information of file format, VLC version, Mac model, etc
A quick thing to try is removing the preference files for VLC.
VLC - 2.0.3
File Format - all files from avi to mkv etc, videos with subtitles play fine on Perian/Quicktime, same file in VLC doesn't show subtitles.
ok now it works, no idea what happened but I did was click reset preferences and now it works, but looking at the preference files for subtitles/OSD it looks exactly the same.... so no idea what changed. Least it works now.
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