Old playlist entries not cleared when new playlist opens (2

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 13 Feb 2014 18:15

Old playlist entries not cleared when new playlist opens (2

Postby cookieJones » 13 Feb 2014 19:03

VLC 2.1.3 RinceWind on Windows 7

In Playlist Window "Details" View:
I open Playlist 1 and it displays entries for Playlist 1 as expected.
When I open Playlist 2, it adds Playlist 2 entries at the end without clearing Playlist 1 entries.

If this is NOT normal behavior, could it be happening because my playlists were created on Mac?

If this IS normal behavior, is there a way to either
A) make it identify which playlist an entry is from? (e.g., a "Playlist" column),
B) have it display only the current playlist (and maybe the playlist name?)

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 13 Feb 2014 18:15

Re: Old playlist entries not cleared when new playlist opens

Postby cookieJones » 14 Feb 2014 20:59

Never mind I found the setting (Display playlist tree)

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