Playlist builds from folder scan

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Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby scorpiousdelectus » 23 Dec 2012 15:06

I'm trying to get an automated playlist happening that will load whatever mp3 files are in a particular folder. Is that possible? I want to be able to add and remove files without having to update the playlist file each time, it will automatically load whatever happens to be in the folder at the time of loading.

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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby mederi » 23 Dec 2012 16:10

Like following request?

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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby scorpiousdelectus » 23 Dec 2012 16:33

Not really... The playlist (I'm hoping) will be loaded from a weblink (have another thread open on how to get that happening). So, all the files will be on a server along with the playlist file. The playlist file, ideally, will read everything in that folder so when a user clicks on the weblink for the playlist, VLC will load according to the playlist, ie: the contents of the folder the playlist is residing in.

The suggested solutions in those threads would be perfect if everything was on my local machine :)

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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 24 Dec 2012 18:54

VLC can already read all files in a directory (directory:///path/to/directory) but there are some limitations:
  • The directory must reside on a mounted file system (so HTTP or FTP are not possible).
  • VLC will not check for added or removed files until it is restarted.
(For HTTP, you would need to create list of files to play as the index.html or equivalent.)
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby scorpiousdelectus » 25 Dec 2012 12:47

The playlist I'd be playing will reside in the same folder as the audio files so from the playlist's point of view, the files are local. Does that make any difference? I'm wondering if when the playlist is played on my local machine from the server it recognises where the audio files are or if it will try and find those folders on my local drive (and fail to do so)?

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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby scorpiousdelectus » 26 Dec 2012 07:48

Have been doing some testing and the playlist file doesn't load from the server, it downloads and then loads into the player so the player is treating it as a local file...

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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby demonet » 30 Jan 2014 01:41

I know it's a year old, but I am still a bit confused on finding what I would like. I understand how to designate a playlist folder, etc... but what I would like is closer to default behavior of WMV (one of the very features of that player I actually did like). Basically, upon double clicking a file (whose extension is associated with VLC), that file would play (obviously), and upon its completion would play the next file in the folder (if playable by VLC), based on however that folder is sorted at that moment when the first file is launched.

I don't need active updates, say if I re-sort it or add files or anything, but more interested in playing whatever was in the folder, as it was sorted when that initial file was launched.

I virtually never launch my default system player and then select the files I want to play. My typical behavior is to be in the folder of my target file and if I desire to watch/listen to a file, I simply double click it, relying on the extension of that file to open the player. VLC is my system-wide default for everything except for m4a files -- but since VLC can play m4a files, I will often launch an m4a file and would really like the next song in the folder (at that initial time) to be played until the EOF.

EDIT: I read that the VLC devs don't want to create this feature due to some "least surprise" best practice... which I think is rather silly.... BUT, for anyone else who would like this... I am making progress so far starting here: ... 30b328e02a

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Re: Playlist builds from folder scan

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 11 Feb 2014 23:22

Opening a file that was not opened seems a weird default behaviour...
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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