index number wrap around for ts files

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index number wrap around for ts files

Postby john_q61 » 30 Nov 2013 18:45

I am using VLC for HTTP live streaming as explained in Graffen's blog ( ... g-with-VLC). Everything is working as expected. But I want to make the index number for ts files to wrap around after a certain count. For eg. I set "dst=c:/inetpub/wwwroot/live/mystream-########.ts". Then files with name mystream-00000001.ts, mystream-00000002.ts etc are produced with an always incrementing index file numbers. I want to make these index numbers to wrap around after a certain count, say after 10 files. So VLC will produce files from mystream-00000001.ts to mystream-00000010.ts and then again mystream-00000001.ts after mystream-00000010.ts instead of mystream-00000011.ts. What VLC command line setting can I use to make the ts file index number to wrap around?

Appreciate any inputs. Thanks in advance.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: index number wrap around for ts files

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Dec 2013 23:16

not possible.
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