Newbie seeks advice on how to stream films from pc to Nexus

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Newbie seeks advice on how to stream films from pc to Nexus

Postby will3 » 21 Nov 2013 16:42

My first post. I have used VLC to watch films on Windows PC locally for some years, enjoy the subtitle support, ease of use.

I have never used the Streaming feature, but now want to stream any film stored on the PC, to a Nexus 5 (Android4.4) but am unfamiliar with what settings I should set on the huge parameter screen presented, so need an idiots guide on how to setup the stream.

Am also new (1 week) to smartphones. At moment, when I need the internet, I connect using 3G on the N5, which I have setup as a 'Hotspot' so the WiFi (an old Intel 802.g) on the PC can use the internet. So I maybe I need to reconfigure the N5 to accept a film stream from the PC ?

I see each update to VLC gets bigger, so as my PC (actually a Notebook) is a bit old, I tend not to update apps, but if advice requires me to update I will. All I have tried so far on my v.0.9.9 is 'Media>Stream - then pick a MP3 file, then clk Stream at bottom; then presented with a huge screen full of parameters. On 'Output' I tick 'Play locally' (to check it runs) and HTTP. But at that point I am stuck as I dont know if HTTP best, or Unicast (I want private), or what to type into the 'Address' field. I see the default Port=8080. Then below that is another section titled 'Profile' where default is 'Custom'; below that a section called Miscellaneous with a few tickboxes and TTL; Below that a 'Generated stream output string' containing ":sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=http,dst=:8080}}". When I clk on Stream btn at bottom, I hear the music locally, but hear/see nothing on the N5 which has just stock Android4.4

I have read a document 'Streaming_HowTo/Easy_Streaming/#Output_methods' which seems to cover some of what I need, but I do not know which choices to make.

So I would be grateful for a guide to setup film or audio file streams from Windows to Android, preferably both ends of the link.

Once I have got the stream to the N5 working, I then want to place the N5 in another room close to a monitor & separate Active Speakers, and be able to feed the analog audio from earphone socket direct to the Active Speaker system, and the video from the USB-Slimport cable to the HDMI monitor.

Thank you for any help in advance.

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