Is it OK use use --repeat streaming a http webcam

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Is it OK use use --repeat streaming a http webcam

Postby bignose2 » 17 Oct 2013 13:27


I use VLC as a webcam viewer, small window on my Win8 PC.


However if the stream gets briefly broken, network down or router or source camera restart etc. it will not restart. I have to close & open.

I found --repeat is the only thing that will let the image recover automatically.

It is on a LAN so not going over internet but wondered if there was an overhead or ad idea as I guess this is for replaying a video clip or similar, IS it OK for a stream?

I have tried http-reconnect & every other switch mentioned
In tools/settings/Videocodec/auto reconnect.. ticked
None of these work.

While asking, does anyone know of a skin that is the absolute minimal, little or no borders. Found slimbean & very close but still has play buttons.
Ideally would like a window with just the streaming webcam image, no borders, titles or play buttons etc.
Does need to be re-sizeable & moveable.

currently use below & very nearly perfect but quite large top title bar and not very clean looking.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-minimal-view --width=240 --height=180 --video-x=700 --video-y=700

Thanks I/A

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Re: Is it OK use use --repeat streaming a http webcam

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 Oct 2013 10:10

Use --http-reconnect
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Re: Is it OK use use --repeat streaming a http webcam

Postby bignose2 » 02 Nov 2013 16:27


I have tried that and it does not seem to work,
I think if it has lost connection briefly it just freezes on the last good frame, I know the camera is still connected via other viewers & If I close & immediately open vlc
it runs OK.

The most annoying thing is you can be looking at a picture and not realize it has frozen from 10 minutes earlier!

I have tried every switch & combination I can find on the www.

--repeat seemed to be the most reliable at reconnecting but still not perfect.

The stream is wifi but viewed elsewhere it seems very reliable, I suspect it is half a second break.

I don't see why it is so hard to have it show blank or whatever if not connected to a refreshing image but reconnect as soon as available.

Been trying for months now to get this working.

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