I am trying to play video files where I set a fixed window width (in settings -> video -> window properties) so the left side of my screen isn't used by VLC. The window height is of no concern to me, it'll just automatically vary depending on the current video's aspect ratio.
As I think a lot of you know there are problems with playing multiple files in a fixed window size: as soon as you're gonna play a file of different dimensions than the last, VLC will resize it's window according to the video file, NOT according to your settings.
A manual solution is to stop playback and then start it again. Then your fixed window size is restored. But you have to do this time and time again.
Is it possible to perform this task using a script? So: every time VLC starts playing a new file (whether automatically after a file ends or after pressing 'next'), the script will quickly stop playback and then start it again, thus preserving the fixed window size you set.
I am a novice in programming, and reading up on the documentation on lua left me with more questions than answers.
I think in theory it could be a quite simple script though. And maybe very useful for others users with window size issues.
Thanks in advance for any reactions