I got the recent SVN version VLC source codes and followed instructions to compile under SUSE Linux 10.0RC1. It went well except some small problems easy solved and I got VLC compiled using configuration as following:
./configure --prefix=$ipath --enable-x11 --enable-xvideo --disable-gtk --enable-sdl --enable-mad --enable-libdvdpsi --enable-a52 --enable-dts --enable-libmpeg2 --enable-dvdnav --enable-fadd --enable-vorbis --enable-ogg --enable-theora --enable-faac --enable-mkv --enable-freetype --enable-fribidi --enable-speex --enable-flac --enable-livedotcom --with-livedotcom-tree=$ipath/lib/live --enable-caca --enable-skins --with-wx-config-path=/usr/bin --enable-ncurses --enable-release --enable-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame
ipath is a location where I put all stuffs, and I got VLC is ipath/bin.
When I tried to run it, I got message like:error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. But libiconv.so.2 is in ipath/lib and then I tried to add --with-libiconv-prefix=$ipath and the problem was the same. Anyone can help me?
Sorry, I know this is not a challenge question, but I can't find any hints in previous posts.