What I want to be able to do is also get the progress while it runs. I can send text output from my Java app to VLC, but I don't know what commands it accepts. In addition, it doesn't quite seem to work... If I run VLC in the rc interface, I know you can send "get_time" and "get_length" (which is what I'd be looking for), but I can't even run those while VLC is in the rc interface. But I can still type on the command prompt that comes up and send those commands and see the output. Is there an extra parameter I need to add when running VLC so that it changes where the input comes from?
Here's an example of the command I'm trying to send:
Code: Select all
VLC\vlc.exe -Incurse -vvv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NypCROu8YVQ --sout file/ogg:C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\Test.ogg --play-and-exit --quiet