win7 playing from bftpd linux server - timeouts on pause/res

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win7 playing from bftpd linux server - timeouts on pause/res

Postby train_wreck » 21 Jul 2013 07:06

hello. i have an Archlinux server running bftpd locally on the LAN. Every other media player i've tried has no problems playing, pausing, and resuming, but with VLC, if I pause a file for a certain amount of time (several minutes), and try to resume, VLC just ends playback and I have to seek back to where I was.

Here is log output filtered for access_ftp:

Code: Select all

access_ftp debug: seeking to 315084590 access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"ABOR" access_ftp debug: answer=426 Transfer aborted. access_ftp debug: answer=226 Aborted. access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"EPSV" access_ftp debug: answer=500 Unknown command: "ABOR" access_ftp error: cannot set passive mode access_ftp debug: stopping stream access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"ABOR" access_ftp error: failed to send command access_ftp warning: cannot abort file access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"QUIT" access_ftp error: failed to send command access_ftp warning: cannot quit
The bftpd server most definitely support passive mode, and i'm not sure why it fails to send the ABOR command... ?
NOt that this is the place, but bftpd just reports a single relatively useless line in its log: "File transmission interrupted. Send failed." I'm not sure if this is an issue with the bftpd server or with VLC... I can post the config file for bftpd if that would be helpful.


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Re: win7 playing from bftpd linux server - timeouts on pause

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 Jul 2013 18:03

It might be a bug in our ftp implementation. You could file a bugreport or fix it yourself :)
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: win7 playing from bftpd linux server - timeouts on pause

Postby train_wreck » 21 Jul 2013 19:18

actually, it appears it was bftpd's fault. i switched to proftpd and have not continued to have the resume issue, although VLC still looks like it's failing to send the ABOR and QUIT commands properly upon stopping a file... idk if this happens on other machines, i'll see later on today.

i'll mark this as solved if it continues working throughout today. thanks

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