vlc oldrc set title

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New Cone
New Cone
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vlc oldrc set title

Postby Xoff » 20 Jul 2013 19:59

I use VLC 2.07 on osx.

I use the oldrc module to control my VLC through a socket. Everything works fine, I use the clear add and play command to change what VLC is playing. But, I read some rtsp stream input (from my FREEBOX), and when I use
add rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=201&flavour=sd
the title is set to "rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=201&flavour=sd" which is not really nice !

I tried to use the command title, but did not found a way to change the title to something more explicit.
Is it possible to set the title with oldrc of an rtsp stream ? how ?


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: vlc oldrc set title

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 21 Jul 2013 11:04

I don't think so.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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