Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

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Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

Postby old2hat » 06 Jul 2013 12:35

If I choose to record an audio/ video file while playing it on VLC I assume that all I need do is push the 'record' button on the control panel. But how, or where, do I set the output folder for the new file. Ok I'm new at this and probably sound lame but after I push the record button I have no idea how to access the recording itself. Does VLC have a default folder for these files or do I have to create a temp folder. Hope this makes sense. If by chance I have successfully recorded anything it is still a mystery to me because I can't find it. Any help or advice will be appreciated. I am fast approaching the age of 70 and this is #1 on my bucket list , probably causing me to be mildly disagreeable at times. The VLC is by far the best player around, even though Win 8 botched things up initially. Thank you all for making it available to the public at no cost.

New Cone
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Re: Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

Postby old2hat » 06 Jul 2013 13:33

Solved.... it's off the bucket list now

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Re: Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

Postby DeepPeace » 07 Jul 2013 01:26

I'm kinda new at this too. You say "Solved - it's off the bucket list" but I see no solution, no answer to her problem - which is also mine. I found where in the Preferences my screen shots are saved, but have unsuccessfully searched high and low to find where my videos are saved - and where to state where I want them saved. So please, take it off my bucket list, too.

Many thanks.

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Re: Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

Postby old2hat » 07 Jul 2013 03:46

Hi "Deep". The solution , in my case, had nothing to do with me. I had recorded three videos earlier and lo and behold when I looked a 2nd time all 3 were in
( C:/... libraries/videos/ my videos ) I guess that is the default target for VLC recorded files. All 3 were listed as -VIDEO_TS-.mpg files and time/date stamped. All I had to do was re-name them. I feel somewhat stupid given how simple the fix was but at the same time I don't recall seeing any instructions directing me in the right direction. I hope this is of some help my friend or I shall have to change my user name to "deep_ chit". The 'bucket' has one less dent in it now and my grandkids think I am a genius.
Perhaps I was a little slow in locating the files due to the changes incorporated into Windows 8 . Redundant bullshit, smoothly marketed, guaranteed to suck. The same ppl who brought us Millenium as I recall.
So....all's well that ends well as far as I see it. Good luck Deep
Last edited by old2hat on 07 Jul 2013 03:59, edited 1 time in total.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

Postby DeepPeace » 07 Jul 2013 03:56

Thank you so much. I eventually found mine, too - in my Music file, of all places. What I'd like to know is how to set MY preference for where it saves videos. Seems so strange that they provide it for pics but not vids - and that there's no "recording" section in documentation or Help.

Oh well - thank you so much. Very strange. Maybe not elegant, but at least we are functional, and that's the main thing. :)

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Using the record feature in ver. 2.07

Postby old2hat » 07 Jul 2013 04:14

No thanks necessary buddy. I am accustomed to adversity. Within 1 hr of purchasing a 'smart phone' I inadvertently deleted every name , number etc, etc, in my contact list while setting preferences. Lost in cyberspace for eternity and beyond the reach of T-Mobiles finest minds. I think they hired on at Microsoft afterward.
Today we got lucky lol.. non illegitimi carborundum..

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