For art pictures, I didn't know how to use local files so I hadn't tested, so I was talking about automatically downloaded art which doesn't show.
There's also an error in the doc for Layout testing, it says LayoutID.isVisible which doesn't work instead of LayoutID.isActive which works. It took me a while to figure this one out.
For nested panels, I did some testing.
If I want this for example :
I would wright something like that :
Code: Select all
<Window id="fullscreenController" visible="vlc.isFullscreen" dragdrop="false" playondrop="false" position="NorthWest">
<Layout id="fsLayout" width="100%" height="100%" maxwidth="99999" maxheight="99999">
<Panel id="fsBottom" width="100%" height="50" position="South">
<Image id="fsBottomBg" image="white50" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomLeft" width="50%" height="20" position="SouthWest">
<Image id="fsBottomLeftBg" image="green20" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomRight" width="50%" height="20" position="SouthEast">
<Image id="fsBottomRightBg" image="red20" width="100%" height="100%"/>
But here's the result :
By inversing first and second child like that :
Code: Select all
<Window id="fullscreenController" visible="vlc.isFullscreen" dragdrop="false" playondrop="false" position="NorthWest">
<Layout id="fsLayout" width="100%" height="100%" maxwidth="99999" maxheight="99999">
<Panel id="fsBottom" width="100%" height="50" position="South">
<Image id="fsBottomBg" image="white50" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomRight" width="50%" height="20" position="SouthEast">
<Image id="fsBottomRightBg" image="red20" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomLeft" width="50%" height="20" position="SouthWest">
<Image id="fsBottomLeftBg" image="green20" width="100%" height="100%"/>
We have a totally different result :
And when we try to add another blue child inside the green :
Code: Select all
<Window id="fullscreenController" visible="vlc.isFullscreen" dragdrop="false" playondrop="false" position="NorthWest">
<Layout id="fsLayout" width="100%" height="100%" maxwidth="99999" maxheight="99999">
<Panel id="fsBottom" width="100%" height="50" position="South">
<Image id="fsBottomBg" image="white50" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomLeft" width="50%" height="20" position="SouthWest">
<Image id="fsBottomLeftBg" image="green20" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomLeftCenter" width="50%" height="10" position="Center">
<Image id="fsBottomLeftCenterBg" image="blue10" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<Panel id="fsBottomRight" width="50%" height="20" position="SouthEast">
<Image id="fsBottomRightBg" image="red20" width="100%" height="100%"/>
It's anarchy :
The first child of the fist child if the first child is well positioned with no bug.
But the second and plus children aren't positioned and sized relatively to their parent but to the last positioned panel (sibling or descendant of sibling).
At least that's what I understand.
If I may, since you're a developer, I have a few ideas :
I really would like an action for the "Adjustments and effects" dialog. I know we can access it through the pop-up dialog but it's really useful for audio and subtitles synchronization.
I think having 2 parameters for positioning simultaneously like x and xoffset could be really handy and even replace the position attribute :
width="100" x="50%" xoffset="-50"
This would center horizontally for instance. But it is much more powerful. And it could be even more powerful if percentages were relative to the parent's width for x and to the current element's width for xoffset.
x="50%" xoffset="-50%" would center
x="100%" xoffset="-100%" would put the element East etc...
You can forget the last part if you're too busy, I just build up a lot of frustration not getting exactly what I wanted and trying again and again.
If you want to test the examples I gave above, here is a skin modified with the last example :
It's good to see this forum is not dead.