Dual screen playback-Video and controls in distinct displays

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 18 Jun 2013 15:10

Dual screen playback-Video and controls in distinct displays

Postby GrindNerd » 18 Jun 2013 15:15

I'd like to play videos in a dual screen setup (screen + screen or screen + projector) and be able to control the playback with the controls in one screen and the video itself on the other.

I found out how to extract the interface and this way I can separate the controls from the playback on different screens, but as soon as the mouse pointer moves from over the controls, they disappear. To get them back, I have to roll over the video in the other screen, which is pretty anoying during a live performance.

Is there any way to pin the controls so they don't hide when the pointer is not over them?


Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15318
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: Dual screen playback-Video and controls in distinct disp

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 18 Jun 2013 19:18

vlc --no-embedded-video
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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