Loop movie from commandline

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Loop movie from commandline

Postby htomberger » 15 Sep 2005 14:25


What I'm trying to do is to open a movie from the commandline so it plays fullscreen and in an endless loop. (The idea is to make an automated presentation: the pc starts up in the morning, vlc starts the full screen movie from a scheduled task, loops it until noon when the computer is shut down by another scheduled task...)

To do all this isn't quite difficult thanks to vlc; however I cannot find the right twaek to make my movie loop from the commandline. I tried to do so even using a playlist, but it won't open.

Is it possible to loop movies from the commandline anyway?

i'm using vlc 0.8.2 on win xp sr2.

thanks for any assistance.


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Postby brian » 15 Sep 2005 18:51


vlc --loop video.avi


vlc --repeat video.avi

You may also want:

--video-on-top and --fullscreen


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 15 Sep 2005 14:03

Postby htomberger » 16 Sep 2005 10:20

Thanks very much, that worked!
Seems I've used loop in the wrong syntax...

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