Is there a way to save screenshots to the current directory

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Is there a way to save screenshots to the current directory

Postby mydarkpassenger » 16 May 2013 03:52

I'm looking for a way to take screenshots of movies and I'd like to save them to the same directory the media file is in. Is there a way to do this in VLC. I know in the screenshot directory if you use $N in your files it will put the file name in the screenshot. Is there one for the current directory?

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Re: Is there a way to save screenshots to the current direct

Postby Lotesdelere » 16 May 2013 08:32

You can set the output directory from Preferences -> Video -> Video Snapshots to "." (a simple dot without quotes). Then save, exit and restart VLC.

This works on Windows, and should work on Linux, but I haven't tried with other OSes though.

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Re: Is there a way to save screenshots to the current direct

Postby mydarkpassenger » 16 May 2013 16:59

Awesome thank you. I should have tried that it, it's the way of referencing the current directory in linux shells

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Re: Is there a way to save screenshots to the current direct

Postby KnowEyeDear » 25 Oct 2014 14:32

Has this functionality been rendered inoperative in recent versions?

When I use the $N feature, all I end up with is a file named $N.


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