Stream Video already playing in VLC

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Stream Video already playing in VLC

Postby ipenginer78 » 13 Apr 2013 04:08


I simply cannot find the answer to my question anywhere. I am stuck so I need to make a post in the hops someone can direct me to the info I need or help me. I am not trying to stream from a static file on my hard drive instead I am trying to re stream the video I have playing live in VLC.

It seems all other are streaming files where the can select in input file. But my input is already playing in VLC media player. I am importing a stream from another location and trying to re stream it using VLC. So I can capture it in xsplit and then re stream it using xsplit.

Essentially I have a high bit rate channel on 1080p @ 60 fps I am looking to download my stream from twitch into VLC which I can do and it plays. I then want to stream it locally or over my network so that I can capture it using xsplit which can capture using an rtsp input. I then want to re stream it using xsplit to my lower bit-rate channel @ 720p @ 60 fps.

Here is a video explaining what I am trying to do. ...



New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Stream Video already playing in VLC

Postby ipenginer78 » 14 Apr 2013 01:39

anyone?? :-)

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Re: Stream Video already playing in VLC

Postby ibstars » 27 Apr 2013 03:09

Can you please write the actual stream of the bf3 you were watching on the vlc!!

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