no sout mux module matched "ts"

*nix specific usage questions

no sout mux module matched "ts"

Postby Paulala » 08 Sep 2005 12:54

I lunched two VLC in FC3, one as server, one as client.

Server--> Use "wizard" to open a "network stream"

I got the errors from console.

Code: Select all

main interface error: option dvdnav-caching does not exist. main interface error: no sout mux module matched "ts" stream_out_standard private error: no suitable sout mux module for 'udp:/ts://' main stream output error: stream chained failed for 'standard {mux=s, url=,access=udp:}' main input error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting main playlist: nothing to play

Anyone know why this happen??



Postby Paulala » 08 Sep 2005 13:36

I found a reply on internet..
A guy named BigBen said....
My copy of vlc was certainly compiled without libdvbpsi
but I did configure with --enable-libdvdpsi


Any answer?



Postby Pualala » 09 Sep 2005 04:23

My configurations are below:

Code: Select all

# ./configure --enable-x11 --enable-xvideo --disable-gtk --enable-sdl --enable-ffmpeg --enable-mad --enable-libdvbpsi --enable-a52 --enable-dts --enable-libmpeg2 --enable-dvdnav --disable-faad --enable-vorbis --enable-ogg --enable-theora --enable-faac --enable-mkv --enable-freetype --enable-fribidi --enable-speex --enable-flac --disable-livedotcom --enable-caca --enable-skins --enable-skins2 --enable-alsa --disable-kde --disable-qt --enable-wxwindows --enable-ncurses --enable-release --enable-dvbpsi
I really need help!!
Can someone please give me some advices...


Thank you.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 09 Sep 2005 10:28

Well you configured with libdvbpsi, but since that's enabled by default, perhaps you didn't notice that VLC configure didn't FIND libdvbpsi ???

Just an idea.
Don't use PMs for support questions.


Postby Paulala » 09 Sep 2005 11:11

Thank you The DJ.

You are right.
The configure process got an warning message complain about no libbvdpsi header file not found.

I am re-compiling now..

Hope it works.

Thank you very much :)

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