Help with RTSP streaming

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Help with RTSP streaming

Postby Shatnerfight » 14 Mar 2013 01:38

Hey all,

I am a not-very-tech-savvy student trying to stream lectures with VLC 2.0.5

The stream link online creates a .rm download. When opened with VLC, there is an RTSP authentication prompt for user name and password. However, the correct username and password for the course do not pass the authentication, which continues to pop up over and over again.

Exiting or canceling the authentication message creates an error message in the background, and continues to show the RTSP authentication on top. The error message:

Session failed:
The requested RTSP session could not be established.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL
'rtsp://IPADDRESS/folder/filename.rm?cloakport=80,544'. Check the lock for details.

I can't check the log because the RTSP authentication keeps popping up.

I think the real problem is that VLC won't accept the user/password for the authentication for some reason. Does anyone know why it would have this problem? Is it a problem with cloakport, whatever that is?

Thanks in advance!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Help with RTSP streaming

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 14 Mar 2013 02:11

Probably a bug in old Real RTSP code.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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