Postby truthstreamdotorg » 05 Sep 2005 05:39
Ok, he never answered so I will, because Im in the same situation.
Kind of streaming? Video file - format doesnt matter, I can encode to what I need
Im not sure what transcoding is to be honest
My input would be video files stored on the server (I assume since I have a large number of files that some sort of playlist is needed to be made)
Currently, I am using Nullsoft NSV but everytime I try to use the few NSV encoders to encode to NSV, I get a error and cant encode. However, I would like to just convert all my files to MPG, AVI or WMV or whatever and use something else to stream the videos. I am using a remote virtual dedicated server running Red Hat. I downloaded the fedora version and have uploaded the file to the server to be unpacked and installed, but I saw this post that said if I want to only use the command line (which I dont think I have a choice with a remote server), that I have to install just certain parts.
If 'transcode' means to encode it to another format, I should be able to do that with my local copy of WinAVI Converter. If it doesnt mean that, Im not sure if I need it. Basically, the way it is set up now is the streaming server is constantly playing from a playlist of files and when a user visits the website, they are watching that stream already in progress at the same point as anyone else visiting the site (as opposed to a playlist starting new each time someone visits).