How to open with a default window position? Always!

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How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby CactusMan » 22 Feb 2013 20:50

Hello there,

I use VLC a lot and from long time now... but it's not my default player because this annoying thingy with the window position. I have to open a lot of video files... a lot of times... and the annoyance is critical. Everytime I open a vlc it's in a different position... 90% of the time it's has a portion off-screen and a have to fix the position and the size. JC... Just put a option for this to make a default and don't remember size or place. Just like Media Player Classic... always open at the center then expands to video frame in the center... NICE option. This way I always known where the window will appear. I created a script that I run sometimes to center the the window and put a good size in the window.

While this annoying thing exists... there is anything that I can do? There is a option on vlc that I can change?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 2.0.8
Operating System: Windows Vista/XP

Re: How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby mederi » 23 Feb 2013 16:56

There is a solution:
Tools > Preferences > ( Show settings = All ) > Interface \ Main Interfaces \ Qt: [ ] Resize interface to the native video size
Save changes.
Then change position and resize the VLC window according to your needs and close the VLC player.
Now locate %appdata%\vlc\vlc-qt-interface.ini in your computer and set its attributes to read only.

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Re: How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby CactusMan » 23 Feb 2013 17:09

THANK YOU! It worked JUST FINE! Almost in tears here... :)
I just see in your profile: "VLC version: 1.1.10 & 2.0.1"
Can you tell me what the benefits of using a old version o vlc?

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Re: How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby MikeWWW » 01 Sep 2023 05:11

There is a solution:
Tools > Preferences > ( Show settings = All ) > Interface \ Main Interfaces \ Qt: [ ] Resize interface to the native video size
Save changes.
Then change position and resize the VLC window according to your needs and close the VLC player.
Now locate %appdata%\vlc\vlc-qt-interface.ini in your computer and set its attributes to read only.
10 years later and I still experience this issue with VLS always oepning too large and half off screen. Unfortunately the solution here doesn't work with what is now v3.0.18 Vetinari

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Re: How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby Deonzar » 11 Sep 2023 17:12

Yes this solution does not work with V3.0.18, is there another option or is it possible to go back to an older version. Thanx

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Re: How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby Deonzar » 19 Sep 2023 17:59

Ok me again. So I went to Tools > Preferences and untick the box that says " Resize interface to video size" I then sized the screen how I want it to open every time, Saved the setting, closed VLC....and when I opened it again it was the size I set it at...success!
Then played a few videos and it always opened in the size I set it at on the desktop.

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Re: How to open with a default window position? Always!

Postby Mystique_r4 » 26 Sep 2023 20:42

The way I got VLC to adhere to my parameters was to resize the player to the size I would like it to be as the default size going forward and then do the following:


This is the key change below that has not yet been mentioned that makes all the difference


I hope it helps.
Let me know how well it works for you.

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