If I want to play some but not all *.avi movies since a few days are played in a competely crappy mode. They are highly pixelated. See this snapshot:
http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=433400 ... m11s41.png
Sound seems to be ok. I am using VLC 2.0.4 under 64bit Win7.
If I want to play them under under other videoplayers (e.g. MediaPlayerClassic Home) then everything is ok.
Even If I played them in the past with (older) VLC versions they could be played correctly.
So there must be something wrong with the VLC setup.
What could it be?
The codec specification inside the *.avi movies look like in the following snapshots (from tool MediaInfo):
http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=836953 ... 122254.png