I can't get http output strem from VLC

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I can't get http output strem from VLC

Postby yngwie21 » 15 Jan 2013 11:05

I have a webcam that transmits a video stream on internet (public address). The webcam provides many kinds of streams like:


I get one of these streams using VLC. I tried using http://217.133.xx.yy:8150/stream1.jpg. The stream is shown correctly while the vlc is acquiring the stream.

In the vlc I'm not using any transcode, and I'm using the address "\" that means "all interface". I also set the port: 11345. And I added a port forwarding for this port.

But if I try from another vlc to get the strem from address http://mylocalIP:11345 nothing appens.
And If I try to get this strem from browser putting the same url, a file of 0 bytes is downloaded. Why? :roll:

Instead if (with the same input) I set as output stream UDP(Legacy) protocol I'm able to get from another vlc the strem with:


Likewise if I set as output strem RTP/MPEG Transport strem I can get the output strem (from another vlc) using the path:


The problem is that I need a output that can be viewed in a browser, so I think I need a strem on http protocol.

An other problem

How can I obtain this? :(

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