vlc.win32.nsi still missing

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vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby monksf02 » 19 Dec 2012 13:42

In both packages .7z and .zip the vlc.win32.nsi ist still missing. So Deployment like this:
http://www.marcus-bungert.de/archives/1338 can't be used. I can't understand that the devolopers of vlc sometimes added the vlc.win32.nsi to the .7z and .zip Archives and the sometimes not. Why does they do that?

So has anyone a working vlc.win32.nsi for the vlc-2.0.5-win32.7z Archiv? or does anyone know an alternative way to get the vlc.win32.nsi for this Version?

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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby ssawatzky » 24 Dec 2012 17:53

Looking at some of the older posts, it looks like a lot of the devs figure that vlc.win32.nsi should not be distributed with the zip file, as less then 1% of people who download it will use it.

It is available in the source code - the file is vlc-2.0.5.tar.xz

The path within that compressed file is vlc-2.0.5\vlc-2.0.5\extras\package\win32\vlc.win32.nsi.in

Here are my notes:

NSIS (Nullsoft)




Download the 7zip VLC File. Unzip. Also download the .tar.xz file.

Unzip both.

From the .tar.xz file, copy the whole of the vlc-2.0.5\vlc-2.0.5\extras\package\win32 folder into the unzipped 7zip file.

Rename to remove the vlc.win32.nsi.in to vlc.win32.nsi

Look for, then open in a text editor, the following file: vlc.win32.nsi

Lines 9 & 10

Code: Select all

!define VERSION 2.0.5 !define PRODUCT_VERSION 2.0.5

Lines 31-33

Code: Select all

OutFile ..\vlc-${VERSION}-win32.exe ; OutFile ..\vlc-${VERSION}-win64.exe InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\VideoLAN\VLC"

Lines 538-540

Code: Select all

!insertmacro InstallFolder osdmenu !insertmacro InstallFolder skins !insertmacro InstallFolder lua
Lines 609 & 610

Code: Select all

; CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\VLC media player.lnk" \ ; "$INSTDIR\vlc.exe" ""

Lines 779-790

Code: Select all

;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ !include "x64.nsh" ;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ ${If} ${RunningX64} ;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ ${Else} ; ;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "This version of VLC only runs on 64bits operating systems.$\nYour operating system is 32bits.$\n$\nPlease get the 32 BITS version." ;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ Quit ;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ ${Endif} ; ; ; ;@HAVE_WIN64_TRUE@ SetRegView 64

Line 793

Code: Select all


Line 975

Code: Select all

"VersionMajor" "2"
Line 977

Code: Select all

"VersionMinor" "0"
Languages - in 2.0.5 many languages were missing. Comment out relevant lines. (look in the languages subfolder, and comment out things that are missing)

Right click on nsi file, select "Compile"

Blank Cone
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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby cybermcm » 02 Jan 2013 20:54


I tried to reproduce your steps but I'm still not able to compile it :-(
The following errors occur:

Code: Select all

!insertmacro: UAC.FastCallFunctionAsUser GetFunctionAddress: $R9 ExecAppFileInvalid command: UAC::ExecCodeSegment Error in macro UAC.FastCallFunctionAsUser on macroline 2 Error in macro UAC.CallFunctionAsUser on macroline 2 Error in script "C:\Temp\vlc-2.0.5\vlc.win32.nsi" on line 87 -- aborting creation process
Do you have any clue? I've my own topic on this viewtopic.php?f=14&t=99300. Just in case someone needs it.

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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby Herose » 03 Jan 2013 15:43

when i download vlc-2.0.5.tar.xz there is only one file included. There is no folder strukture like vlc-2.0.5\vlc-2.0.5\extras\package\win32

whats wrong in my doing?

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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby cybermcm » 03 Jan 2013 20:06

when i download vlc-2.0.5.tar.xz there is only one file included. There is no folder strukture like vlc-2.0.5\vlc-2.0.5\extras\package\win32
whats wrong in my doing?
Use 7zip, unzip the xz file and then unzip the tar file 8)

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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby cybermcm » 03 Jan 2013 23:08

Another update:
I had to use another UAC.dll file. The file from here http://nsis.sourceforge.net/UAC_plug-in didn't work for me, instead I took the UAC.dll from the 2.0.3 release http://download.videolan.org/pub/videol ... 3-win32.7z and put it in the NSIS folder, like in 2.0.3 (root\NSIS).

Then I was able to compile the 2.0.5 version. I still don't get it why the developers do not provide the correct files to make this more easy :-(

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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby snissen » 23 Feb 2013 10:38

Looking at some of the older posts, it looks like a lot of the devs figure that vlc.win32.nsi should not be distributed with the zip file, as less then 1% of people who download it will use it.
Thank you ssawatzky--your detailed instructions are very helpful.

And "the devs figure" wrong: I depend on the .nsi because we always do a customized installation for our campus. When the .nsi is included, the 30 minutes I spent customizing and re-compiling the install, is repaid hundreds of times in support questions that were avoided by my changes.

Yes, you devs, we need the .nsi included, and all files that are necessary for the recompilation of the installer!

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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby Erroneus » 14 May 2013 10:55

NSI is also missing from the 7zip version of 2.06 for Windows. This is a huge annoyance and right now has the effect that our 10k+ machines are running the older 2.03 and not 2.06, because of this.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: vlc.win32.nsi still missing

Postby cybermcm » 14 May 2013 12:36

@Erroneus: Take a look into the http://sourceforge.net/projects/vlc/fil ... z/download 7z file, this time the .nsi and the NSIS folder are included again (I hope it will be in future versions too).

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