Screenshot Titling

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Screenshot Titling

Postby CoachWade » 25 Dec 2012 04:13

Good Evening and Merry Christmas to you all.

I have been using VideoLan forever, and really like the software. As a coach of American football, I use it to break down my game film, and it makes things a TON easier. (Frame-By-Frame advance and screen caps, especially.)

My question is simple: I would like to change the screenshot titles to the title name of the file I'm currently viewing, followed by a suffix.

For example: If I am watching TomalesVStVincent2012.avi, I would like the screen captures I take to be titled "TomalesVStVincent2012-0001.jpg", "TomalesVStVincent2012-0002.jpg", "TomalesVStVincent2012-0003.jpg" and so on.

I'm sure there is a simple character string that can be used for this, but I don't know what it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: Screenshot Titling

Postby Lotesdelere » 25 Dec 2012 09:16

Preferences -> Video
Then on the right panel change the prefix to whatever you want and use the Sequential Numbering option.

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Re: Screenshot Titling

Postby HeyRicardo » 21 Dec 2014 15:15

I had the same question, but I don't know how to enter the right string to have the screenshot fetch the filename of the video without having to enter it manually (which is unpractical unless you just watch one video a day, not 5-10 or many more).
The sequential numbering is a suffix but which is the parameter to prefix the file name?

Thank you so much if you can share this piece of knowledge, ricardo

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