I know it's a year old, but I am still a bit confused on finding what I would like. I understand how to designate a playlist folder, etc... but what I would like is closer to default behavior of WMV (one of the very features of that player I actually did like). Basically, upon double clicking a file (whose extension is associated with VLC), that file would play (obviously), and upon its completion would play the next file in the folder (if playable by VLC), based on however that folder is sorted
at that moment when the first file is launched.
I don't need active updates, say if I re-sort it or add files or anything, but more interested in playing whatever was in the folder, as it was sorted when that initial file was launched.
I virtually
never launch my default system player and then select the files I want to play. My typical behavior is to be in the folder of my target file and if I desire to watch/listen to a file, I simply double click it, relying on the extension of that file to open the player. VLC is my system-wide default for everything except for m4a files -- but since VLC can play m4a files, I will often launch an m4a file and would really like the next song in the folder (at that initial time) to be played until the EOF.
EDIT: I read that the VLC devs don't want to create this feature due to some "least surprise" best practice... which I think is rather silly.... BUT, for anyone else who would like this... I am making progress so far starting here:
http://addons.videolan.org/content/show ... 30b328e02a