VLC pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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VLC pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV

Postby twanj » 15 Dec 2012 21:58

hi, first of all, thanks so much for VLC! I've been using it for years, but recently got a macbook & it's so useful for hooking up to my TV w/ HDMI.

I've been having the same issue playing WMVs since I got this mac about 4 months ago (don't remember which version was out then) up to today on VLC 2.0.4 and 2.0.5.

when playing a WMV file, the first few seconds are "choppy" or pixelated/blocky. well, about 0.5 seconds play fine, then the picture freezes momentarily, then it's blocky til about the 3rd second, then the whole rest of the video plays fine.

this is with ALL WMVs I've seen. all other file types don't seem to have this problem.

audio plays fine throughout.

if I select & go back to the beginning, it plays perfectly. but if I press stop, then play, there's the same issue.

system details:
VLC 2.0.4/2.0.5
OS X 10.8.2 (all updates), 2.6gz core i7, 16 GB RAM
macbook pro retina

is there anything I can do to diagnose what's causing this?

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Location: Cone, France

Re: VLC pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 18 Dec 2012 02:03

you can share the logs and/or the files...
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 9
Joined: 15 Dec 2012 21:43

Re: VLC pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV

Postby twanj » 19 Dec 2012 08:49

I uploaded the file named "OS X pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV.wmv"

here's the log for just the few seconds that there are issues.

BTW, I also have gotten some crashes when unplugging the HDMI cable from my computer.
I submitted those crash logs, but don't know if I should do anything else?

main debug: using interface module "macosx"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 128.346 ms - Total 128.346 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 128.346 ms)
main debug: playlist threads correctly activated
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
macosx debug: using future AR cookies
main debug: looking for services probe module: 5 candidates
main debug: no services probe module matching "any" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.935 ms - Total 2.935 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.935 ms)
main debug: looking for extension module: 1 candidate
lua debug: Opening Lua Extension module
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Users/twanj/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/extensions
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/share/lua/extensions
main debug: using extension module "lua"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.244 ms - Total 0.244 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.244 ms)
macosx debug: Found 1 capture devices
macosx debug: no optical media found
main debug: adding item `02.wmv' ( file:///Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv )
main debug: Creating an input for '02.wmv'
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1
main debug: processing request item: 02.wmv, node: Playlist, skip: 0
main debug: resyncing on 02.wmv
main debug: 02.wmv is at 0
main debug: starting playback of the new playlist item
main debug: resyncing on 02.wmv
main debug: 02.wmv is at 0
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for '02.wmv'
main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path '/tmp'
main debug: `file:///Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv' gives access `file' demux `' path `/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv'
main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='' location='/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv' file='/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv'
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 3 candidates
main debug: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.079 ms - Total 0.079 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.079 ms)
main debug: creating access 'file' location='/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv', path='/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv'
main debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates
filesystem debug: opening file `/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv'
main debug: using access module "filesystem"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.082 ms - Total 0.082 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.082 ms)
main debug: Using stream method for AStream*
main debug: starting pre-buffering
main debug: received first data after 0 ms
main debug: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 38461 KiB/s
main debug: looking for stream_filter module: 7 candidates
main debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.051 ms - Total 0.051 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.051 ms)
main debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
main debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.047 ms - Total 0.047 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.047 ms)
main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='' location='/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv' file='/Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv'
main debug: looking for demux module: 55 candidates
asf debug: found object guid: 0x75b22630-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:5475
asf debug: read "header object" subobj:7, reserved1:1, reserved2:2
asf debug: found object guid: 0x86d15240-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6 size:240
asf debug: read "codec list object" reserved_guid:0x86d15241-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6 codec_entries_count:2
asf debug: - codec[0] audio name:"Windows Media Audio 9.2" description:" 96 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo 2-pass CBR" information_length:2
asf debug: - codec[1] video name:"VC-1" description:"VC-1 Advanced Profile" information_length:4
asf debug: found object guid: 0x8cabdca1-0xa947-0x11cf-0x8ee400c00c205365 size:104
asf debug: read "file properties object" file_id:0x54df97f5-0x496a-0x41b9-0x92e0e04ca95c2cb2 file_size:8920929 creation_date:129784078553380000 data_packets_count:1114 play_duration:554510000 send_duration:532650000 preroll:5000 flags:2 min_data_packet_size:8000 max_data_packet_size:8000 max_bitrate:1611920
asf debug: found object guid: 0x5fbf03b5-0xa92e-0x11cf-0x8ee300c00c205365 size:4621
asf debug: read "header extension object" reserved1:0xabd3d211-0xa9ba-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 reserved2:6 header_extension_size:4575
asf debug: found object guid: 0x7c4346a9-0xefe0-0x4bfc-0xb229393ede415c85 size:33
asf debug: read "language list object" 1 entries
asf debug: - 'ru'
asf debug: found object guid: 0x26f18b5d-0x4584-0x47ec-0x9f5f0e651f0452c9 size:26
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf debug: found object guid: 0xc5f8cbea-0x5baf-0x4877-0x8467aa8c44fa4cca size:178
asf debug: read "metadata object" 4 entries
asf debug: - IsVBR=0
asf debug: - IsVBR=0
asf debug: - NumberOfFrames=135
asf debug: - NumberOfFrames=1499
asf debug: found object guid: 0x1806d474-0xcadf-0x4509-0xa4ba9aabcb96aae8 size:3996
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf debug: found object guid: 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a size:88
asf debug: read "extended stream properties object":
asf debug: - start=0 end=0
asf debug: - data bitrate=96024 buffer=1579 initial fullness=0
asf debug: - alternate data bitrate=96024 buffer=1579 initial fullness=0
asf debug: - maximum object size=4459
asf debug: - flags=0x2
asf debug: - stream number=1 language=0
asf debug: - average time per frame=3310444
asf debug: - stream name count=0
asf debug: - payload extension system count=0
asf debug: found object guid: 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a size:132
asf debug: read "extended stream properties object":
asf debug: - start=0 end=0
asf debug: - data bitrate=1500000 buffer=5000 initial fullness=0
asf debug: - alternate data bitrate=1500000 buffer=5000 initial fullness=0
asf debug: - maximum object size=33148
asf debug: - flags=0x2
asf debug: - stream number=2 language=0
asf debug: - average time per frame=333667
asf debug: - stream name count=0
asf debug: - payload extension system count=2
asf debug: found object guid: 0xd9aade20-0x7c17-0x4f9c-0xbc288555dd98e2a2 size:38
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf debug: found object guid: 0xd6e229df-0x35da-0x11d1-0x903400a0c90349be size:38
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf debug: found object guid: 0x6b203bad-0x3f11-0x48e4-0xaca8d7613de2cfa7 size:46
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf debug: found object guid: 0xd2d0a440-0xe307-0x11d2-0x97f000a0c95ea850 size:168
asf debug: read "extended content description object"
asf debug: - 'WMFSDKVersion' = '12.0.7601.17514'
asf debug: - 'WMFSDKNeeded' = ''
asf debug: - 'IsVBR' = 'false'
main debug: no fetch required for (null) (art currently (null))
asf debug: found object guid: 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 size:114
main debug: no fetch required for (null) (art currently (null))
asf debug: read "stream Properties object" stream_type:0xf8699e40-0x5b4d-0x11cf-0xa8fd00805f5c442b error_correction_type:0xbfc3cd50-0x618f-0x11cf-0x8bb200aa00b4e220 time_offset:0 type_specific_data_length:28 error_correction_data_length:8 flags:0x1 stream_number:1
asf debug: found object guid: 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 size:160
asf debug: read "stream Properties object" stream_type:0xbc19efc0-0x5b4d-0x11cf-0xa8fd00805f5c442b error_correction_type:0x20fb5700-0x5b55-0x11cf-0xa8fd00805f5c442b time_offset:0 type_specific_data_length:82 error_correction_data_length:0 flags:0x2 stream_number:2
asf debug: found object guid: 0x7bf875ce-0x468d-0x11d1-0x8d82006097c9a2b2 size:38
asf debug: read "stream bitrate properties object"
asf debug: - stream=1 bitrate=98787
asf debug: - stream=2 bitrate=1513133
asf debug: found object guid: 0x75b22636-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:8912050
asf debug: read "data object" file_id:0x54df97f5-0x496a-0x41b9-0x92e0e04ca95c2cb2 total data packet:1114 reserved:257
asf debug: found object guid: 0xfeb103f8-0x12ad-0x4c64-0x840f2a1d2f7ad48c size:2502
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf warning: unknow object found
asf debug: found object guid: 0xd6e229d3-0x35da-0x11d1-0x903400a0c90349be size:510
asf warning: unknown asf object (not loaded)
asf warning: unknow object found
asf debug: found object guid: 0x33000890-0xe5b1-0x11cf-0x89f400a0c90349cb size:392
asf debug: read "index object" file_id:0x54df97f5-0x496a-0x41b9-0x92e0e04ca95c2cb2 index_entry_time_interval:10000000 max_packet_count:5 index_entry_count:56
asf debug: + 'Unknown' GUID 0x0-0x0-0x0-0x0000000000000000 size:0pos:0
asf debug: + 'Header' GUID 0x75b22630-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:5475pos:0
asf debug: | + 'Codec List' GUID 0x86d15240-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6 size:240pos:30
asf debug: | + 'File Properties' GUID 0x8cabdca1-0xa947-0x11cf-0x8ee400c00c205365 size:104pos:270
asf debug: | + 'Header Extension' GUID 0x5fbf03b5-0xa92e-0x11cf-0x8ee300c00c205365 size:4621pos:374
asf debug: | | + 'Language List' GUID 0x7c4346a9-0xefe0-0x4bfc-0xb229393ede415c85 size:33pos:420
asf debug: | | + 'Unknown' GUID 0x26f18b5d-0x4584-0x47ec-0x9f5f0e651f0452c9 size:26pos:453
asf debug: | | + 'Metadata' GUID 0xc5f8cbea-0x5baf-0x4877-0x8467aa8c44fa4cca size:178pos:479
asf debug: | | + 'Padding' GUID 0x1806d474-0xcadf-0x4509-0xa4ba9aabcb96aae8 size:3996pos:657
asf debug: | | + 'Extended Stream Properties' GUID 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a size:88pos:4653
asf debug: | | + 'Extended Stream Properties' GUID 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a size:132pos:4741
asf debug: | | + 'Unknown' GUID 0xd9aade20-0x7c17-0x4f9c-0xbc288555dd98e2a2 size:38pos:4873
asf debug: | | + 'Unknown' GUID 0xd6e229df-0x35da-0x11d1-0x903400a0c90349be size:38pos:4911
asf debug: | | + 'Unknown' GUID 0x6b203bad-0x3f11-0x48e4-0xaca8d7613de2cfa7 size:46pos:4949
asf debug: | + 'Extended content description' GUID 0xd2d0a440-0xe307-0x11d2-0x97f000a0c95ea850 size:168pos:4995
asf debug: | + 'Stream Properties' GUID 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 size:114pos:5163
asf debug: | + 'Stream Properties' GUID 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365 size:160pos:5277
asf debug: | + 'Stream Bitrate Properties' GUID 0x7bf875ce-0x468d-0x11d1-0x8d82006097c9a2b2 size:38pos:5437
asf debug: + 'Data' GUID 0x75b22636-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c size:8912050pos:5475
asf debug: + 'Unknown' GUID 0xfeb103f8-0x12ad-0x4c64-0x840f2a1d2f7ad48c size:2502pos:8917525
asf debug: + 'Index' GUID 0xd6e229d3-0x35da-0x11d1-0x903400a0c90349be size:510pos:8920027
asf debug: + 'Simple Index' GUID 0x33000890-0xe5b1-0x11cf-0x89f400a0c90349cb size:392pos:8920537
asf debug: found 2 streams
asf debug: added new audio stream(codec:0x161,ID:1)
main debug: selecting program id=0
asf debug: added new video stream(ID:2)
main debug: using demux module "asf"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.431 ms - Total 1.431 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.431 ms)
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in /Users/twanj/Downloads/
main debug: looking for decoder module: 32 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 0x361e00)
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (Windows Media Audio 2) started
avcodec debug: Using 192000 bytes output buffer
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 5.621 ms - Total 5.621 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 5.621 ms)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 32 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec already initialized
avcodec debug: trying to use direct rendering
avcodec debug: allowing 4 thread(s) for decoding
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (Windows Media Video VC1) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.708 ms - Total 0.708 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.708 ms)
main debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Users/twanj/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/meta/reader
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/meta/reader
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/meta/reader/filename.lua
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/share/lua/meta/reader
main debug: no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.503 ms - Total 0.503 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.503 ms)
main debug: `file:///Users/twanj/Downloads/02.wmv' successfully opened
main debug: Buffering 0%
main debug: Buffering 3%
main debug: Buffering 6%
main debug: Buffering 10%
main debug: Buffering 10%
main debug: Buffering 20%
main debug: Buffering 30%
main debug: Buffering 43%
main debug: Buffering 53%
main debug: Buffering 63%
main debug: Buffering 70%
main debug: Buffering 83%
main debug: Buffering 90%
main debug: Stream buffering done (1034 ms in 0 ms)
main debug: looking for text renderer module: 3 candidates
freetype debug: looking for Arial Unicode MS
freetype debug: found /Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf
freetype debug: Using Arial Unicode MS as font from file /Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf
freetype debug: using fontsize: 2
main debug: using text renderer module "freetype"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.980 ms - Total 1.980 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.980 ms)
main debug: looking for video filter2 module: 15 candidates
swscale debug: 32x32 chroma: YUVA -> 16x16 chroma: RGBA with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
main debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.649 ms - Total 0.649 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.649 ms)
main debug: looking for video filter2 module: 15 candidates
yuvp debug: YUVP to YUVA converter
main debug: using video filter2 module "yuvp"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.377 ms - Total 1.377 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.377 ms)
main debug: Deinterlacing available
main debug: deinterlace 0, mode blend, is_needed 0
main debug: Opening vout display wrapper
main debug: looking for vout display module: 1 candidate
vout_macosx debug: Quartz Extreme acceleration is active
main debug: looking for vout window nsobject module: 1 candidate
macosx debug: prevented sleep through IOKit (1974)
macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (1974)
macosx debug: prevented sleep through IOKit (1975)
macosx debug: returning videoview with x=0, y=36, width=852, height=480
main debug: using vout window nsobject module "macosx"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 97.246 ms - Total 97.246 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 97.246 ms)
macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (1975)
macosx debug: prevented sleep through IOKit (1976)
main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 852x480 window
main debug: using vout display module "vout_macosx"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 125.244 ms - Total 125.244 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 125.244 ms)
main debug: original format sz 852x480, of (0,0), vsz 852x480, 4cc I420, sar 1:1, msk r0x0 g0x0 b0x0
main debug: removing module "freetype"
main debug: looking for text renderer module: 3 candidates
freetype debug: looking for Arial Unicode MS
freetype debug: found /Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf
freetype debug: Using Arial Unicode MS as font from file /Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf
freetype debug: using fontsize: 2
main debug: using text renderer module "freetype"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.725 ms - Total 0.725 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.725 ms)
avcodec debug: using direct rendering
avcodec warning: cannot decode one frame (4487 bytes)
main debug: End of video preroll
main debug: Received first picture
freetype debug: looking for Arial Unicode MS
freetype debug: found /Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf
main debug: Post-processing available
main debug: Decoder buffering done in 148 ms
main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 1704x960 window
freetype debug: looking for Arial Unicode MS
freetype debug: found /Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf
main error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1000 ms)
main error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
avcodec warning: Physical channel configuration not set : guessing
main debug: creating audio output
main debug: looking for audio output module: 1 candidate
main debug: VLC is looking for: 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
auhal debug: found 2 audio device(s)
auhal debug: DevID: 50 DevName: Built-in Microph
auhal debug: this device is INPUT only. skipping...
auhal debug: DevID: 40 DevName: Built-in Output
auhal debug: found 16 stream formats
auhal debug: supported format: [96000.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][24]
auhal debug: supported format: [88200.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][24]
auhal debug: supported format: [48000.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][24]
auhal debug: supported format: [44100.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][24]
auhal debug: supported format: [96000.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][20]
auhal debug: supported format: [88200.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][20]
auhal debug: supported format: [48000.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][20]
auhal debug: supported format: [44100.000000][mcpl][4][8][1][8][2][20]
auhal debug: supported format: [96000.000000][mcpl][12][4][1][4][2][16]
auhal debug: supported format: [88200.000000][mcpl][12][4][1][4][2][16]
auhal debug: supported format: [48000.000000][mcpl][12][4][1][4][2][16]
auhal debug: supported format: [44100.000000][mcpl][12][4][1][4][2][16]
auhal debug: supported format: [96000.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: supported format: [88200.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: supported format: [48000.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: supported format: [44100.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: using preselected output device 0x39
auhal debug: current format is: [44100.000000][mcpl][41][4][1][4][2][32]
auhal debug: layout of AUHAL has 2 channels
auhal debug: selected 2 physical channels for device output
auhal debug: VLC will output: Stereo
auhal debug: we set the AU format: [44100.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: the actual set AU format is [44100.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: analog output successfully opened
main debug: using audio output module "auhal"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 25.894 ms - Total 25.894 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 25.894 ms)
main debug: output 'f32l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: mixer 'f32l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'f32l'->'f32l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 2 candidates
main debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.246 ms - Total 0.246 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.246 ms)
main debug: input 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 1 candidate
scaletempo debug: format: 44100 rate, 2 nch, 4 bps, fl32
scaletempo debug: params: 30 stride, 0.200 overlap, 14 search
scaletempo debug: 1.000 scale, 1323.000 stride_in, 1323 stride_out, 1059 standing, 264 overlap, 617 search, 2204 queue, fl32 mode
main debug: using audio filter module "scaletempo"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.259 ms - Total 0.259 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.259 ms)
main debug: filter(s) 's16l'->'f32l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 12 candidates
audio_format debug: s16l->f32l, bits per sample: 16->32
main debug: using audio filter module "audio_format"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.380 ms - Total 1.380 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.380 ms)
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: filter(s) 'f32l'->'f32l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: filter(s) 'f32l'->'f32l' 48510 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 12 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "ugly_resampler"
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.045 ms - Total 0.045 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.045 ms)
main debug: conversion pipeline completed
main debug: End of audio preroll
main warning: received buffer in the future
main warning: received buffer in the future
main warning: received buffer in the future
main warning: early picture skipped
main debug: Buffering 0%
main debug: End of audio preroll
main debug: Buffering 37%
main debug: Buffering 76%
main debug: Stream buffering done (1069 ms in 0 ms)
main debug: End of video preroll
main debug: Received first picture
main debug: Decoder buffering done in 5 ms
main warning: buffer too early (-46922), down-sampling
main debug: audio output is too slow (33540 us): trashing 46439 us
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (60165 us)
main warning: not synchronized (60165 us), resampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 5133700 usec (drift: -17151)
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: dying input
main debug: control: stopping input
main debug: dying input
main debug: removing module "avcodec"
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (Windows Media Audio 2) stopped
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `WMA2', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing module "audio_format"
main debug: removing module "scaletempo"
main debug: removing module "ugly_resampler"
main debug: removing module "auhal"
macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (1976)
main debug: removing module "float32_mixer"
main debug: releasing audio output
main warning: can't get output picture
avcodec warning: disabling direct rendering
main debug: removing module "avcodec"
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (Windows Media Video VC1) stopped
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `VC-1', 135 PES in FIFO
main debug: saving a free vout
main debug: reusing provided vout
main debug: removing module "asf"
asf debug: free asf object 0x86d15240-0x311d-0x11d0-0xa3a400a0c90348f6
asf debug: free asf object 0x8cabdca1-0xa947-0x11cf-0x8ee400c00c205365
asf debug: free asf object 0x7c4346a9-0xefe0-0x4bfc-0xb229393ede415c85
asf warning: unknown asf object 0x26f18b5d-0x4584-0x47ec-0x9f5f0e651f0452c9
asf debug: free asf object 0xc5f8cbea-0x5baf-0x4877-0x8467aa8c44fa4cca
asf warning: unknown asf object 0x1806d474-0xcadf-0x4509-0xa4ba9aabcb96aae8
asf debug: free asf object 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a
asf debug: free asf object 0x14e6a5cb-0xc672-0x4332-0x8399a96952065b5a
asf warning: unknown asf object 0xd9aade20-0x7c17-0x4f9c-0xbc288555dd98e2a2
asf warning: unknown asf object 0xd6e229df-0x35da-0x11d1-0x903400a0c90349be
asf warning: unknown asf object 0x6b203bad-0x3f11-0x48e4-0xaca8d7613de2cfa7
asf debug: free asf object 0x5fbf03b5-0xa92e-0x11cf-0x8ee300c00c205365
asf debug: free asf object 0xd2d0a440-0xe307-0x11d2-0x97f000a0c95ea850
asf debug: free asf object 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365
asf debug: free asf object 0xb7dc0791-0xa9b7-0x11cf-0x8ee600c00c205365
asf debug: free asf object 0x7bf875ce-0x468d-0x11d1-0x8d82006097c9a2b2
asf debug: free asf object 0x75b22630-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c
asf debug: free asf object 0x75b22636-0x668e-0x11cf-0xa6d900aa0062ce6c
asf warning: unknown asf object 0xfeb103f8-0x12ad-0x4c64-0x840f2a1d2f7ad48c
asf warning: unknown asf object 0xd6e229d3-0x35da-0x11d1-0x903400a0c90349be
asf debug: free asf object 0x33000890-0xe5b1-0x11cf-0x89f400a0c90349cb
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
main debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
main debug: removing module "filesystem"
main debug: dead input
main debug: destroying useless vout
main debug: removing module "vout_macosx"
main debug: removing module "freetype"
main debug: removing module "yuvp"
main debug: removing module "swscale"

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 9
Joined: 15 Dec 2012 21:43

Re: VLC pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV

Postby twanj » 19 Dec 2012 17:41

same issue is present on Windows 7 / VLC 2.0.5.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 9
Joined: 15 Dec 2012 21:43

Re: VLC pixelation for first few seconds when playing WMV

Postby twanj » 29 Dec 2012 03:25

any luck with this?

did the log help at all?

I don't know what the logs normally look like but it seemed like there were some problems.

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