I found what appears to be a bug using the next frame functionality. I can reproduce it two ways, the first is through code where I simply load a video and call libvlc_media_player_next_frame multiple times, eventually I see VLC output the message "EOF Reached" and libvlc_media_player_next_frame will no longer give me new frames. The other is using the VLC player itself, I load a video, pause it and hold the 'e' key down and watch the messages in the message output view. Here I also get the "EOF Reached" and the video will no longer work. In both cases the "EOF" is not at the actual end of the file, I have tried different video formats, an mp4 and a webm; happens regardless of the format.
I have tested with the latest code from git as well as the current version on videolan.org's homepage.
Does anyone know a work around or how to fix this?