Playing .wav sound in a batch file

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Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Ranjit » 24 Nov 2012 20:52

I have WinXp Sp3 Prof. I have VLC 2.0.4 as my default Media Player. I have an application which runs by cmd batch file. I equire to play various wav sounds while this batch file is processing.
I was trying to find suitable Command Line syntax for VLC Player on web, but I could not locate any. Then I found following command syntax for MPlay32.Exe which I put to play sounds :
Start /Min MPlay32.Exe /Open /Play /Close E:\Windows\Media\Ding.Wav
The required sound wave works by this command but I have following problems when i use this command :
1.My default VLC Media Player changes to WMP after I run this batch file, Instead of VLC, WMP starts if i run any Mp4 or Avi file,
2. While wave is played, one MPlay32 window stays open.
Sir, I need help as below :
1. I want one command syntax in my batch file which can use VLC and activate required wav sounds without opening any VLC window.
2. My default MP is not changed to WMP, after running batch file.
Thanks in advance.
Please help.

New Cone
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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Ranjit » 25 Nov 2012 07:44

Was searching on web for VLP batch file command which I still did not find. However I found another Windows command as below:
Rundll32 User32.Dll,MessageBeep -1
This command looks comparatively better than before, because :
1. It does not open additional window while this batch file is processing.
2. It does not change my default MP.
However, this command does not carry choices of many wave files. I think if someone suggests how to change Wave sound in this command.
Thanks in advance.

New Cone
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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Ranjit » 26 Nov 2012 06:19

This is ridiculous. I think there are only users here and no moderators.

I expected a solution from developers or a regret note, if there e no solution for my problem.

Such reply will immensely help me not to wait and expect answer and look somewhere else.

In spite of VCL bring best, I will be forced to uninstall VLC, if there is no solution.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 26 Nov 2012 08:29

The solution has been posted many times, and seen as how impolite you are, I won't give it to you.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
Private messages soliciting support will be systematically discarded

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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Ranjit » 26 Nov 2012 09:51

Mr Rémi Denis-Courmont

I think you did not get my point correctly. Instead of staying silent until I was forced to speak bad on this subhect I suggest you look the situation from my angle.
All my work is at standstill for whole last week. I have been eagerly coming on this site to find solution at least 10 times everyday. I am a normally polite and god fearing person. Please think if you were in my shoes and would have received same kind of treatment from someone how much frustrated would you feel ?
I think it was expected you at least told what you said now :
The solution has been posted many times
This would save me from spending useless time to log in here, and I would swim through the sea of Topics to locate solution to my problem without bothering you or loading this site with one more repetitive Topic.
At last, if you still care to see this problem with your angle, please know that world will not go upside down if i do not discover solution for my need. I can live without it (which will be sad for me because I love this player).
Thank you for at least finally responding.
Best of luck.

New Cone
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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Ranjit » 26 Nov 2012 17:50

I have to add one more comment on this issue

But before I comment I must say, I truly love VideoLAN application which is miles ahead of any other identical MP. Thus application is very strong and user friendly to common users like me. I have tried many others.

I am of the opinion that forums attached with strong applications are started by Software Creators to help below average users like me to get more acquaintance to the software. Most of visitors here come only when they find interest in this application and have some issues which they need solutions. For most of the common users, attaching Help files with software is not enough. It is also non-workable solution to wade through thousands of past Topics to find personal solutions.

The sole essence of such forums is to continually help users in finding solutions. I can give many examples where good applications failed only because they had no Forum support. From the point of view of the developers, it is essential to cater to the repeated quarries of users, which ultimately helps to strengthen this application.

I would like to suggest the developer (not with a mind to criticize but because I love this application) to always keep in mind the class of their below average users like me, seeking expert advice. I think not a single user comes here for fun or doing harm to the application or the developers. I consider them as much more knowledgeable than me and have great respect for them, not only here but wherever I go for help. Such people are way above in acumen than people like me.

Most of the questions asked here may be repetitive but are supposed to be addressed by the developers. If there happens to be identical issue they can post link to such Topics, where help can be located. There is no reason to be skeptic on such repeated questions.

To reinforce my point, let me ask a few questions to Mr Rémi Denis-Courmont, the developer.

Is my question is the first repetitive question ever posted on this site ?
There are many questions posted on forums which are either dumb or unspecific or unrelated or pertain to some other application or some similar competition Media Player. Do you ignore such questions ? Does my question fall in this category ?

In my case, I posted three instances.

First was very polite and cordial - No response.
While I waited for solution, I explored a bit then posted another, which as an average user I found when searched web, in order to assist in getting solution - NO response.
Then when i showed annoyance - Instant response.

This destructs the very soul of such help forums. The developers must realize, by such actions, it is the application they are harming, not the user.

Finally, all I am asking from very beginning is solution to my issue and not to show arrogance or proving something. And if you got aggrieved by my third post, I offer my unconditional apologies.

However, I have no control over your actions.

Thank you Sir.
Best of luck.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Dec 2012 19:01

People work on their free time and people answer to this forum on their free time. They owe nothing to you...
You are not nice and too insisting.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

New Cone
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Re: Playing .wav sound in a batch file

Postby generixevoinc » 15 Dec 2013 19:24

Probeer een nieuwe browser met automatische vertaalfunctie.Google Chrome downloadenSluiten
sorry for my bad English is translated
so I'll keep it short.

I got one for you.
here are no media players needed.


@ echo off
set file = c :/ a.wav
(Echo Set Sound = CreateObject ("WMPlayer.OCX.7" ^)
echo Sound.URL = "% file%"
echo do while Sound.currentmedia.duration = 0
echo WScript.Sleep 100
echo loop
echo WScript.Sleep (int (Sound.currentmedia.duration ^) ^ +1) * 1000)> sound.vbs
start / min sound.vbs

change the a: in your own wav file.
the wscript in the time of duration, yours own file
also wscrip: sleep 100

hope you find something to do.
it works for me windows 7

Greetings Director generix uvolutions

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