Accessability options for this board?????

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Deaf bastard
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Accessability options for this board?????

Postby Deaf bastard » 22 Oct 2012 03:41

I use VLC Media Player because of it's wonderful 400% volume boost.

I really wish that this help forum was as accomodating when it came to accessabillity as VLC is.

I came here to ask a simple question and it has taken me almost an HOUR TO EVEN GET TO POST.

The captcha is a joke - pale blue text aganst white - that is enough for an able bodied person to get eyestrain....and as for guessing the letters in thefirst part....don't get me started.

I love VLC and use it every day, and am constantly telling others about it. I have also let the wonderful people at DPAC (Disabled people against cuts) know how excellent it is.

I would love to say the same about this forum, but, right now, you have to jump through hoops that an able bodied person would find challenging.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Accessability options for this board?????

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 22 Oct 2012 11:08

We make VLC, we don't make the forum software. Sorry about that...

Those captcha are evil, but we have not the time to fight spam on this forum.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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